Chapter Eight

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Astrea Cullen

The morning wind made me shiver, but it woke me up. I was leaning against the window of my room, still in my nightgown. The sun was beginning to shine, and the village was still silent. Downstairs, Dad was leaving for his first check-up and looked up to wave to me. As usual, he was going to have a busy day at work and would be home late tonight. I could hear Esme in the kitchen, preparing lunch. She was humming happily and the utensils were clinking together. I suspected that Edward was in his room, reading. That left Garrett, who was probably wandering around the house, or outside.

He's behind the door, about to knock.

I was startled. Another certainty ? Not surprisingly, the next second, Garrett knocked on my door.

- Can I come in ?

I was about to answer him, but he beat me to the door.

- Why did you ask me a question if you didn't want an answer ? I said, turning to him.

- You answered me.

I was puzzled by his reply. What do you mean, I didn't ? Except that I wasn't thinking. What he had told me yesterday was still running through my head and not helping me to understand anything.

- You can answer clearly, I'm a bit tired of riddles.

Garrett smiled at me, this time without irony.

- You answered me in your head. But since you don't believe my vampire stories, I don't see how I can explain any more.

Seeing that I was going to argue again, he changed the subject.

- Did you sleep well last night ? No nightmares ?

I nodded and said no. For some reason they had decided to leave me alone. And I didn't mind, honestly.

- How about a little walk in the woods this morning ? It's a nice day, we might as well enjoy it. Garrett offered, breaking the silence that had just settled.

He wants to prove me right about his story.

I turned towards the window to avoid meeting his eyes. Here we go again !

- Astrea ? Are you all right, dear ?

- Uh... Yes, yes. I'll be there in a few minutes, shall we meet downstairs ? I stammered without turning around, still a little confused.

I heard the door close behind Garrett as he left the room, and I allowed myself a sigh. Damn it, this had to stop ! I have to get my head up, just...


Lost in his thoughts, Garrett didn't notice that Astrea had just joined him in the entrance hall. He was startled when she put her hand on his arm, which made her laugh.

- For once I manage to surprise you, that's a first !

He returned her smile, unable to speak. If he opened his mouth, he was going to say things that she was not yet ready to hear. So he watched her in silence, trying to engrave her face and her smile in his memory.

- Are you going to stare at me all day, or are you going to open the door ?

She gave him a pout that he thought was adorable, and laughed in turn as she obeyed. Once outside, he replied :

- Does sarcasm run in the family ?

- No, because you have it too, you idiot.

- And I'm not part of the family ?

- No, you're not. Didn't you know that ?

Her amused tone put him in a good mood, and he pretended to fall to the ground holding his chest.

- Argh, I am touched to the core by your cruelty, my queen.

- Nonsense.

Seeing that she was already moving away towards the forest, he held her back by the wrist, continuing to act.

- Are you leaving me here ?

She finally came back and crouched down beside him, a mocking smile on her face.

- It depends. If you get up, no ; if you stay here, yes.

- To get up, I'd need a queen's kiss.

The sentence had escaped her. The moment it had left his mouth, he regretted it as he saw his beloved's smile fade.

- Forgive me, I didn't mean to rush you. He murmured, as if not to frighten her.

At the sound of his voice, Astrea shook herself and stood up, as if nothing had happened. Garrett did the same. Without a sound, they rushed into the forest. 

Since she was lost in thought, she did not notice that she was walking a little faster than he was. Finally, he was letting her outrun him. He could have caught up with her, but he wanted to give her time to digest everything she had learned since last night. He knew that talking the way he had earlier wasn't helping her, but he couldn't help it. She didn't realise the effect she was having on him.

These were new feelings that he had never felt before, or if not, never so intensely. Every time she passed by him, he wanted to smell her perfume; every time she looked at him, he wanted to admire her dark, sparkling eyes until she closed her eyelids; every time she laughed, he wanted her to never stop, her smile carving a small dimple in the corner of her left cheek; he wanted to burn into his mind her long chestnut hair that reflected mahogany tones in the sun, her soft laughing eyes when she saw him, her delicate hands, her mouth and her almond-shaped eyes... Everything, he loved her for everything. Every time he saw her, he wanted to take her in his arms, to feel her warmth...

And since he had bitten her, it was even worse. He could feel what she was thinking, her moods, her desires...

- I can't live without you anymore, my queen... He whispered.


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