Chapter Six

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- Edward, let me pass, I have to check on Astrea !

- I don't think that's the best solution, Carlisle.

The young man blocked the way of his elder, who relentlessly wanted to leave the kitchen.

Carlisle didn't blame Edward for not letting him out, but his frustration and concern were so strong that he couldn't stand by and do nothing. All aggression had evaporated the instant the glass touched his daughter, and now his guilt weighed on his conscience. Why had he done this ? He and Garrett had been friends for a long time, and now he was breaking glasses over his head, just because he couldn't handle his own anger ? He felt like he was taking ten steps backwards, before he met Alana. What was he going to do now ?

Suddenly, the front door slammed, and the voice of his new companion, Esme, rang out in the hall.

- Carlisle ? I'm home !

- I'm in the kitchen with Edward, come on in, I've got... Something to tell you. Answered the interpellant.

Footsteps on the tile floor. The handle of the kitchen lowered. Edward shifted to let the young woman enter, and helped her carry to the sink the many vegetables she had brought from the market.

Esme Cullen had been married to Carlisle for a short time, when he had saved her, when she had wanted to commit suicide after the death of her first child. Small and slender, she had caramel-colored curls that framed her heart-shaped face. A slight smile played on her lips as she entered the room. The young woman loved the company of her husband and Edward, whom she considered her son. This family was healing the pain of her loss.

Despite her concern for her daughter, Carlisle returned her smile. But the young woman wasn't fooled, and her apprehension redoubled when she turned to Edward.

- What's going on ? She asked, suddenly looking worried when she met his gaze, which was not smiling.

- It's... To tell you the truth, it's my fault. Carlisle began. Garrett came in, we talked, but we started arguing. I... I couldn't handle my anger and I... I wanted to break my glass on Garrett. Except Astrea was with us, and she got in the way when I lowered my arm. She's the one who took it all. Explained the doctor, ashamed.

Esme gave him a surprised look, not being used to seeing such an aggressive Carlisle.

- And now, is she okay ? She finally asked, snapping out of her astonishment.

- We don't know, Edward replied. I wanted to wait with Carlisle, before I went to see them. Garrett stayed with Astrea.

- I should never have done that... The doctor muttered.

Esme squeezed her husband's arm to comfort him.

- Don't worry, Garrett is with Astrea. Besides, it's only a drink, she'll heal quickly.

He nodded his head, his jaw tense.

They decided to wait a few more minutes, to make sure Garrett had calmed down, and then they headed silently to the living room. No sounds were coming from the room, and they looked at each other anxiously. What was going on ? Their anxiety grew with each step.

- This is so strange... I don't hear Garrett. Edward whispered.

His remark, which made special sense to the other two, made them bristle. Carlisle couldn't help but curse and rushed to the living room door. Esme and Edward followed closely behind him, and nearly bumped into him when the doctor stopped dead in his tracks. The young woman took a step aside to see what had intrigued her husband so much that she was completely stunned.

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