Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Rosalie hugged Emmett a little tighter, suppressing a grunt of exasperation. Of the three groups Carlisle had formed, it was obviously his group that had to take a bus to the park. Jacob threw him a sympathetic glance, retaining at the same time an umpteenth sigh. He was of the same opinion as Rosalie and had protested when Carlisle had told them that they would have to take the bus while the other two groups had their respective cars. Of course, there were enough cars for each group to take, but three cars would not go unnoticed by their enemies, according to the doctor.

Carlisle and Esme had left on their own, claiming that an urgent family problem required them to leave town for a while, as the doctor had explained at the Forks hospital where he worked ; Jasper had taken his motorcycle ; as for Garrett and Seth, they had left first, taking a detour so as not to be taken directly to the appointment point. That left their little group of three, Emmett, Rosalie and Jacob, who had waited for a bus from Forks to get to the park. And as luck would have it, the bus was packed...

- We arrive soon in your opinion ? Muttered the werewolf.

- I hope so, because I'm not going to last much longer. Grumbled the blond girl while glaring at a teenager behind her who had just, without realizing it, pushed her.

Emmett, the tallest of the three, raised his head towards the road.

- Yes, we shouldn't be long now. He reassured them.

When they got off at the stop, their anxiety went up a notch. Unlike their battle with the Volturi, they had no idea who they were dealing with. Two of them were trapped, and they didn't know what kind of shape they would be in. Emmett pushed his cap down a little further on his head, covering his eyes. The idea was that they wouldn't be spotted. Rosalie clung to his arm, and put on her huge sunglasses that ate most of her face. And Jacob, faithful to him even, moved away from the couple and walked towards the entry of the park without throwing a glance at them. The other two followed him at a distance, not without noting the Mercedes S55 AMG parked in the parking lot.


The Holy Mother was pacing around Elder's office, restraining herself from breaking everything in the room. Her assistants had quickly tended to her, then, she had asked not to be disturbed. She had gone back to her partner's office, still angry at being screwed. She hated not having control over the situation, and this time she had almost lost her skin. Elder was sitting in his chair, silent. He didn't dare to speak for fear that the Holy Mother would get angry with him. Besides, she knew exactly what he thought about what had just happened, so he doubted that her comments would be welcome. He turned his attention to the park, which stretched as far as the eye could see from his large bay window. A lot of people were still coming today ; and that was good news amidst all the clutter. Business was still going well on the financial side.

- Elder, we need to get them talking at all costs.

He gasped and turned back to the Holy Mother who had approached him. He frowned.

- I have already told you, I will not interfere with your experiments and research. You know what I want ; I'm not interested in the rest. He replied.

- Let's be clear, Elder.

She placed both hands flat against the desk in front of him. She stared at him with a determined look as she continued.

- Without this research, we can't eliminate them all. We don't know enough about them yet to attack them. Who knows what they will do ?

- You yourself have assured us that they could never all agree to attack us. They are solitary creatures, so let's take advantage of this weakness to fight them once and for all.

Elder did not look away, her eyes fixed on the Holy Mother. She was thinking behind her mask of impassivity, and Elder had no doubt that she would eventually get what she wanted.

- I will respect your decision regarding my research. She began. But if you want the total extermination of their species as much as I do, you'll have to cooperate. You can't just sit back behind your desk. I need your help.

- And to do what ? The man asked cautiously.

The Holy Mother stood up and stared at him intently.

- My assistants are only good at carrying out orders. They are mostly simple scientists. We have two prisoners, and I am the only one capable of a minimum of autonomy to make them talk. Since they won't give us any information separately, we will use their relationship. I need another influential person, who would be able to break one of them so that I can break the other. And besides you, there's no one else here who can do the job.

There was silence as the Holy Mother closed her mouth, waiting for an answer.

- Torturing people was never a job. He mumbled as he thought about the proposal she had just made to him.

She was asking him to get involved in her sadistic experiments, a project he didn't agree with. But he hesitated ; if they arrived together to make them speak, and to discover what could lead them to carry out their project, why not ?

- Do not forget that it is not people that we torture, but vile and cruel creatures. She slipped to him.

Elder raised his glance towards her. He had just made up his mind. The Holy Mother could not hold back a smile of victory.


- This is madness, Bella.

Edward followed his wife as she rushed to the front door. She turned around, eager to meet her father at the city police station.

- You won't change my mind. Alice and Astrea are in danger, and we don't know what will happen to the others. We have to be ready too.

- Telling your father may not be the best idea.

- But it's our only option.

Edward was silent at this point. Bella was right, but that didn't take away from the fact that Carlisle wouldn't have approved of her plan. Except that his beloved was doing as she pleased and he saw no other choice but to follow her, in case she was in danger. Renesmee had been entrusted to Emily, the bride of Sam, a werewolf. She would be safe there, and they trusted the Quileutes.

- The important thing is to be as discreet as possible. Relança it while seeing it moving towards its Ferrari.

She sighed while rolling of the eyes, then changed direction to take again her Chevrolet.

- You come or not ? Pressed she by lighting the engine.

- Obviously, I will not let you go alone.

The newborn drove in silence. Each one was plunged in its thoughts. Edward was thinking about the possibilities that lay ahead of them - and unfortunately there weren't many of them. Bella's plan was simple. She would go to Charlie and explain that they might have found out where Alice and Astrea were. Then they would all go together to join the others already there to have the advantage of numbers. With a troop of armed police and vampires, Bella hoped they would be able to get the girls back. However, Charlie would not be surprised to find out how they got her information and then how Alice could have guessed where their attackers would take them. Edward thought about Carlisle and the others. By now, they should have arrived at their rendezvous point. But then what ? They'd said they'd figure it out when they got there, and the vampire prayed that nothing would happen to them. 


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