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DISCLAIMER: This story is written just for fun. I wrote it for myself and thought maybe some of the ESC fans would enjoy it too. I also wanted to give credit to other fan fictions that I read: I was, in fact, partly inspired by some of them, but I did my own take, created my own story. This is also the first fan fiction that I've written, so there might be some ''rules'' I'm not aware of. Apologize for that in advance. I also had no intentions to hurt, offend or make fun of any artist. I love them all and tried to stay as respectful as I can. Keep in mind this is all just fiction.

ALSO ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: English is not my native language and you will most likely notice it while reading this story. I was trying my best. I promise.


This is not a masterpiece. This is just a little light-hearted story, filled with some ESC 2022 references and bad jokes, with an aim to help you to cure your Post Eurovision Depression and remember how iconic the class of 2022 was.

That's it. I said it all. Won't talk anymore I promise. Here you go, the story:


It was a Saturday night in the middle of May, and the EBU high school was throwing a party for the class of 2022 who were graduating this year.

EBU was not your typical high school. It was the most prestigious school in whole Europe, if not the world. The party, that I guess could've been called prom as well (but won't be because it's EBU party and not your typical American high school prom), was organized to mark the finish of one more academic year. It was a party for students with a lot of lights, loud music and food (and, of course, alcohol being secretly carried by students in their innocent looking water bottles). At some point of the party, the King and the Queen of the school were meant to be revealed. There were a few possible candidates, because surely not everyone can be lucky enough to be the popular kid. It's a high school after all.

For some reason it was the principal of the school, mister Martin Osterdahl, who was entitled to reveal the winners as it was the most prestigious award one can achieve during academic year. It was half student-voted, pretty much the popularity contest, where the other half of the votes would come from the teachers, who would take different factors into consideration, such as grades and the merits for school throughout the year.

As Martin stepped on stage, the music was turned off a bit and you could hear the bustle from the crowd. The most likely winners were standing in the front row, all glammed up, ready to hit the stage. A dark hair girl with a long red dress was catching everyone's attention – of course, it's no other than Chanel, one of the most popular girls, the main cheerleader, every straight guy's dream, yet so unreachable. She was stunningly beautiful and extremely popular among her peers, but also was known for having a bubbly personality, which made her even more likeable. Her main opponent to this Queen crown was a girl named Cornelia – another super popular chic within the EBU school, rocking the dance floor with her short blond hair, dark makeup and glittery top. As for the King, this school also had a few. And although some were saying a guy named Mahmood or his younger brother Blanco should win, the real winner was clear all along – it was Sam.

Sam had long blonde hair and a smile of a sunshine. He was popular, he was loved by everyone, both students and teachers. Mister congeniality, as one could say. He would've received this award and thanked everyone who voted, but would not really care that much about winning, because all he wanted was to have a great time and make somebody else's day – that's what made him happy. He was also very much into astronomy and was already hired by NASA to work part time – he was going places, nobody doubted that.

It's just that in the middle of the school party, he, well, went to some place that nobody knew about.

It all happened when suddenly, right before the announcement of the King and the Queen of this 2022 class, the power cut off.

In the blink of an eye, it was all dark.

Lights went off. The microphones stopped working. The school was suddenly left without electricity.

Buzz in the crowd as some students were trying to light up the space with their phone lights.

''We encountered some technical difficulties, but it's okay, don't panic'', you could hear the principal talk from top of the stage, as some students were beginning to make a fuss about it.

''We fade to black!'' cried a guy called Nadir with a buzz haircut.

''Think about it, if we die together now, we will always have each other!'' exclaimed a straight-A student Amanda who was obsessed with Shakespeare and planning to study medicine right after graduation.

''No drama, please!'' cheered an artsy girl Monika, who was known for her one and only bowl cut and was planning to run for the presidency in the future.

The principal left the hall in order to fix the electricity. The power blackout lasted for a few minutes. Then it all came back to normal.

Well, almost.

The lights were on, but something was missing.

Someone was missing.


Sam was nowhere to be found.

''He probably just went for some fresh air, or to help out the principal'', shared his wishful thinking Stefan, better known as ''the dude with the guitar'' who was also super into spaghetti westerns.

''No no no, I was standing next to him, he wouldn't have suddenly left without telling me'', argued Sam's bestie Cornelia. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and stepped on the stage and with a microphone in her hand exclaimed. ''Hey everyone, did anyone see Sam? Please, tell us if you saw where he went! Sam, is this a joke, if you hear me, answer, it's not funny anymore! Saaam... Can you even hear me or not? Is this microphone working or not? I can't hear myself. Hello, I repeat one more time, if anybody sees Sam... Ouch!'' She suddenly jumped out of nowhere when the microphone electrocuted her. The technical issues were not all fixed yet, but the principal was already here, back in the hall. His face was white as snow, you could see from his eyes something was wrong.

''Everybody, please, stay where you're at. We have a problem. Detectives are coming. We'll need everyone to help them out and give as much information as you can.''

''Problem?'' gasped Alvan.

''Detectives?'' shrilled Krystian.

''Mister Osterdahl, is Sam in danger?'' exclaimed Brooke in fear.

''I'm afraid so'', groaned Martin. ''I got a message. Sam is kidnapped.''

And that's where the fun began.

Where Are You Now, Sam? or Chaos, Space and Bananas (ESC 2022 FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now