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The sun was already rising, and Mahmood was sitting on the bench on top of the hill, patiently looking the sky from dark blue turn to yellow and light orange. There was something about this view that made the shivers run down his spine. He couldn't sleep tonight, so when his little annoying brother Blanco that he sincerely loved nonetheless wanted to go outside to ride his little cute diamond bike, Mahmood went along with it. Blanco was very, very energetic to say the least, but even his energy ran out after this morning exercise routine. The little one came back to his brother who was quietly sitting, deep in his thoughts, as always. Blanco kept silent in order not to annoy his older brother, but he only lasted a few moments.

''Heard last night at the party was fun. Such a shame we left early.''

''I thought we had fun by ourselves, or didn't you, Blanchito?''

''Yes we did'', he snarled. ''But I still wonder, who kidnapped Sam? The detectives themselves, who wanted to take the money? And did the lights going off was just a part of the performance Sam was willing to put up, as Andrea said in a group chat? And do you actually think Sam would've been rewarded as the king, and not one of us?''

''We might never know, Blanchito'', answered him Mahmood, here yet so far away with his thoughts.

''There are so many things that we, earthlings, are never meant to know'', Blanco complained and looked down the hill. He could see a bunch of people carrying the broken kinetic sun on their shoulders, the one that once was built for their school but they never got to see it working – and he could almost hear school principal crying for this loss. The boy raised his head up. Across the sky, the was a little dot flying up high at the speed of light, and he laughed, telling his brother, ''Look, Mammuuuut! That bird is flying as fast as I was running yesterday through the corridors! Remember what I told you? How I ran by Brooke so fast that she didn't even notice it was me? This bird is as fast as me! Wish I could race with him!''

Mahmood followed the dot with his eyes, until it disappeared among the clouds, knowing damn well this isn't bird, but not wanting to break his little brother's heart.

''Life is complicated, Blanchito. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes you put your hopes high and are left with disappointment. Some people stay on the ground, some are willing to fly away. Everyone choses their own way to live. But most importantly, Blanchito, you can never know what's happening in people's heads. And no one will know what is happening in yours, unless you chose to say it. Take my advice – don't.''

''You sound really sad, Mahmuuut'', noted Blanco. ''Is it really that bad that we never know what people are thinking or who they are for sure?''

''No, Blanchito. This is exactly what makes life beautiful.''

Where Are You Now, Sam? or Chaos, Space and Bananas (ESC 2022 FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now