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Meanwhile Keith was still going around at the main hall, talking to random students that attended the party, there were around forty of them, maybe a little more, and all of them had to be questioned. At least somebody had to see or hear anything that could be helpful in this case, right?

''Can you tell us a little about Sam? How was he, did he have any enemies?''

''He was really nice and friendly. Didn't have any enemies, no, everybody loved Sam. He was everyone's friend here'', confidently and politely assured Emma that was holding her posture in a very elegant way. She for sure was very pretty and seemed like a nice girl too, but Keith knew she came from one of the richest family in the town, so if they don't solve this case, Emma's father will for sure make a scandal about it.

''And where were you when the lights went off?''

''I was at the bathroom with my friend Brooke. We were taking selfies when suddenly it all got dark. We thought it was some kind of a joke, the guys from the green club love to make pranks like that, we were convinced it was them. But when we went out of the bathroom, it appeared that electricity was gone in the whole building. That's when it got a little scarier.''

''You said, the guys from the green club? Who are...''

''Why hello there'', there was a joyful shout coming from a slim dude in a green suit who came here out of nowhere.

''How you doin?'' asked a two-meter guy as a Friends reference and the rest of the gang repeated the joke after him.

The former was called Janis, the latter was Robert. Around them there were a few more guys, everyone in colorful suits and joyful spirit, as if this mystery was the biggest adventure of their lifetime.

''It's them'', Emma pointed at the guys.

''Yes, it's us, the green dudes'', admitted Robert. ''We're doing our best for this school to become a better and greener place. We promote sustainability, we're hot, we're cool, and instead of meat we eat veggies and...''

He was cut off by Keith who had no will to listen to one of these green-people-protesters.

''Ok, miss Muscat was saying you tend to pull pranks on people. Was this a prank as well? Did you make Sam disappear just for fun?''

''Oh, sir, no way we could do that'', defended himself and his squad Janis. ''I wish it was just a prank, out of everyone here Sam deserved this the least. He was everyone's friend. He doesn't deserve to die. Please, sir, tell me he's not gonna die!''

''I can't promise you anything, kid, but we'll try our best'', detective in a black suit murmured. ''Could everyone enter this school party?''

''No, only the EBU students of 2022 class'', assured Janis.

''Oh come on. Of course it was possible to enter the school even if you're not from EBU'', exclaimed a dude with silver jacket from across the hall, who was coming closer in a funny way as if it was a slomo choreo or something.

''And you are?...''

''Jeremie, football player, street dancer and the hottest guy of all'', he flexed with a flirty smirk on his face.

''And how do you know? Did you see any extraneous people, someone not from your school entering the party?''

Jeremie answered in a playful tone. ''Ha, yeah, I was making out with one of them. You know, Marta from Benidorm school'', explained he rather to Janis and his friends than detective, but they didn't know who Marta was. ''Anyway, she left before this whole incident. But what I'm trying to say is that there was no security, and anyone could've sneaked in and kidnap Sam.''

''This doesn't make the case easier'', noted Keith in despair. ''I'm hungry, and when I'm hungry I can't think. Does anyone have any food left? Like, a banana?''

Instead of receiving a banana Keith had two more students coming to him. They looked serious and not here to joke around – and neither did they have a banana for detective. It was Amanda, a girl with a white dress that looked like a beautiful but sad ghost that just came back to life, and Krystian, a tall handsome guy that was everyone's dream. He was the first one to ask Keith: ''I'm sorry, but can we leave the hall already or at least get back our phones? You're holding us like some hostages.''

''Yes, my grandma is gonna get worried, she's over hundred years old, and I promised to call her and say that everything's fine'', added Amanda in her soothing voice.

''Besides, I'm scared that Andrei will lose his mind, he's slowly starting to... He's kind of addicted to his phone...''

''Until the case is solved, nobody is getting back their phones or is allowed to leave the hall'', Keith got a little angry. ''Young man, where were you when the lights went off?''

Krystian scratched his head.

''Well, I was... in the bathroom. Alone'', he felt the need to add it although nobody would've doubt it in the first place. ''I didn't see anything suspicious, if that's what you're asking.''

''Oh these high school kids'', ranted Keith quietly to himself. ''Okay, I need to talk to your principal. We need to bring the ransom to the kidnappers so that your friend stays alive. My colleague is still interrogating some suspects, we might come and invite some of you for interrogation as well if we feel the need to. And for now, I'm leaving and you're staying in this hall. I'll come back with some news once I get them. But first I need to eat some bananas to calm my nerves'', stated Keith and walked out of the hall.

In the meantime, Domi, Casper and Benjamin were patiently waiting for Andrea to come out of the classroom, which had already turned into an interrogation room. She stepped out into the corridor with a victorious smile, leading to her friends' relief.

''All good, I got your back'', assured Andrea.

''You're the best friend anyone could wish for'', sniffled Domi and hugged her beloved friend. ''I knew you'd have our backs. You always do.''

''Oh come on, Domi, stop crying, you baby'', giggled Andrea and patted friend's back. ''I told him I was with you when that happened, so chill out. But you have to promise me to stop fooling around with electricity. I know it was never your intention to have someone missing, but these games can have serious consequences one day.''

Where Are You Now, Sam? or Chaos, Space and Bananas (ESC 2022 FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now