James vs Milo: And Avery too!

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James was winning against Milo. It was Flapple against Bloodfur. James was already Dynamaxing. His friends were confused and didn't remember him getting a band. "Bloodfur use Max Darkness!" Shouts James. Suddenly darkness appeared and struck Flapple so hard it fainted. The crowd went wild.

"Well the power of grass has been wilted." Admitted Milo as he hands him a Grass Badge. "Thank you for the elegant battle." Replies James glancing at Avery in the seats. "Well your welcome for it being elegant! Now your going to fight Nessa's graceful water types!" Exclaims Milo.

"Well I see that you remembered me by saying elegant." Says Avery as they walk out of the stadium. "I was thinking of you Avery." Replies James smiling as his fingers brush against Avery's. "Hey James is mine!" Jokes N playfully as he grabs James hand.

"Sorry about that." Grins Avery as he twirls his hair. "Hey how come there are Poke Balls around your hat?" Asks Butch. "I'm a psychic." Replies Avery smiling. "Well I guessed next time we saw each other. We'd be psyched to see each other!" Jokes James causing Avery to laugh hard.

"I would most definitely be excited to see y'all especially N." Says Avery glancing at N with a smile. A light pink hue lit up his face. "Aww is N embarrassed?" Asks Jessie mockingly. "Jessie!" Shouts N as he throws a pebble at her.
"Hey it was just a joke!" Shrugs Jessie as he breaks out her phone and reads about Hunger Games.

"Well I have to leave now. Avery Teleport!" Shouts Avery as he runs off. "Hey does anybody think he's gay?" Asks Domino sourly. "Fuck! Domino that's not nice!" Shouts Cassidy as she scolds her. Domino shrugs and plants a kiss on Butch's cheek. "Domino..." sighs Butch.

"What you were literally asking for it by looking like a dumbass." Replies Domino slightly smiling as she walks off towards Route 5. "Wait for us!" Shouts James as he bolts off. "Wonder when we'll see Ingo and Emmet again." Mutters Cassidy as she paces after him.

"So this is a nursery?" Asks Domino as they find a building. "Yes it is. Talk to the woman inside for more information." Replies the girl standing there.(A/N can we talk about how she just stands there 24/7?!)

"Welcome do you wish to know more knowledge about eggs?" Asks the woman inside. "Yes ma'am." Replies Domino. "Well since I'm lazy why don't you watch this egg and find out?" Replies the woman as she gifts Domino an egg. She blinks then leaves.

"She literally gave this to me out of laziness." Snarls Domino when rejoins the group. "So your getting a Pokémon now?" Asks N as he holds James hand. "Duh this'll be my first Pokémon!" Shouts Domino as she continues to hold this egg. "Say Pokémon do you think it'll be?" Asks Cassidy. "Hopefully a poison type.." sighs Domino as they arrive in Hulbury.

"Welcome to Hulbury you seven." Greets Rose all of the sudden. "You mean six?" Asks Cassidy with a confused look on her face. "Hello pleasure to see y'all again. Im psyched to see you." Replies Avery out of the blue.

"Avery good to see you." Says N smiling as his fingers brush against Avery's. "Well nice to know that you've met!" Exclaims Rose as Oleana gives him an earful. "Welp I better go. Say once you get that badge. Care to meet me at the restaurant?" Asks Rose. "Sure why not." Replies Avery as he grabs N's hand. "Hey N is mine!" Snarls James. "I just wanted to hold his hand.." whispers Avery as he lets go.

"Well let's go beat the shit out of Nessa!" Shouts James as he bolts towards the stadium. "James you are my friend right?" Asks Avery shyly. "Yes we are friends." Replies James smiling as he hugs him. "See you at the Captains Table!" Says Avery as he walks in beside James and his friends.

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