Battling Raihan

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"So you think you can beat the mighty Raihan the tamer of dragons?" Smirks Raihan. "You beat your ass I can beat you!" Says James eagerly with a grin. "But you have to battle with someone. Who do you choose?" Asks Raihan. "N would you care to battle to beside me?" Asks James.

"Of course dear." Replies N smiling as he walked to him. "Go Sceptile!" Shouts James as he sends out his trusty Pokémon. "Serperior go!" Shouts N as he sends his starter out. "Say N when did Snivy evolve?" Asks James. "You ass you know when it evolved!" Teases N.

"Go Sandaconda and Flygon!" Shouts Raihan both Pokémon were weak to Sceptile and Serperior. "Well you think you have it easy! Use Ice Beam Flygon!" Shouts Raihan as Flygon used the move on Serperior. "Use Flamethrower to counter it!" Shouts N as Flamethrower blocks and cancels out Ice Beam.

"Sandaconda use Ice Fang!" Shouts Raihan but Sceptile dodged it and used Dragon Pulse. "Alright Sceptile...change your form and MEGA EVOLVE!" Shouts James suddenly Sceptile became Mega Sceptile who used Draco Meteor on Flygon causing it to faint.

"James when did you get that?!" Shouts N surprised. "I got it in Hoenn." Replies James proudly. "Alright use Giga Drain on Sandconda!" Shouts N as Serperior used the move. "Alright go Duraludon and Gigalith." Shouts Raihan as he sends his final Pokémon out.

"Use Steel Beam on Serperior!" Shouts Raihan as Duraludon used the move on Serperior causing it to faint. "Alright Serperior rest now. Go Zekrom!" Shouts N as he sends out the black dragon who roared menacingly at the opposing Pokémon.

"Zekrom use Fusion Bolt!" Shouts N as Mega Sceptile used Draco Meteor on Gigalith causing it to faint. "Alright Duraludon Giantamax and use G-Max Depletion!" Shouts Raihan as Duraludon used the move. "Zekrom Dynamax!" Shouts N as Zekrom grew big.

"Use Max Lighting!" Shouts N as Zekrom used the move while Mega Sceptile used Draco Meteor on Duraludon. It fainted costing Raihan battle. "Well you crushed the great Raihan.. guess I need a selfie!" Grins Raihan as he hands both of them a Dragon Badge.

"Ready to battle me after you heal your team?" Asks Hop curiously out of nowhere. "Yep but I won't go easy!" Declares Raihan as he heads to the Pokémon Center. "So James your going to Wyndon to do the Semifinals?" Asks Avery as he grabs James's hand. "Yep going to crush them!" Shouts James as he runs off.

"Well you think you can beat the pop star poison gym leader Klara?" Says a voice from behind him. "You look like Dua Lipa." Says James jokingly. "Focus! Anyways I will crush you!" Declares Klara as she leaves. "That girl is a snob." Comments Avery with a smirk.

"She is Avery." Replies James softly before pecking Avery's cheek. "James did you have to do that in public?!" Asks Avery embarrassed. "You know James likes to embarrass people by kissing them." Grins Emmet and Ingo.

"Well let's go to Wyndon on the train!" Shouts Domino as she and Toxel rush to the station. "Tr-tr-train?!" Yells Ingo and Emmet excitedly as they run faster then the speed of light. "Lol two twins obsessed with trains." Jokes N as his fingers brush against Avery's.

"Say does anyone get train sick here?" Asks Butch looking green. "I do.." groans Avery slightly as he leans his head on James's shoulder and falls asleep. "Aw Avery and James sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Teases N as he plays with Avery's hair. "N and Avery sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Teases Butch

"Butch and Piers sitting in a tree-" says N. "Can y'all be any louder?!" Complains Avery as he tries to lay on his side. "Ok ok we'll stop.." grins N as he rubs Avery's waist. "Y'all are so-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Shouts Avery as he tries to sleep with his two boyfriends.

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