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(Alberta's POV! Requested by Bacon cookies)

"HEY ALBERTA! Rover got out his Kennel- again!" Saskatchewan yelled, Sask is my annoying twin, she's always yelling about something.

"Alberta are you coming? He's trying to eat my flower- GET OFF! HELP ALBERTA, ROVER IS LITERALLY EATING MY FACE!"

"I'll get him! Hey Rovie baby... you wanna yummy treat? Aww yes you do~" I led him off of Sask and towards a small barn- Sask wanted to plough it down for more crop space but I convinced her to let me turn it into Rovers dream paradise. 

"Heheh I still don't know how you do that..."

"Y'know the drill plants like you- animals like me."

Me and SK headed into our farmhouse- and there was Manitoba stealing my biscuits.. second time this week! He is the worst sometimes!

"Saskatchewan! Your flower! Did Alby try ripping it out again?"

"HEY! That was one time when I was like 5!" Saskatchewan had some sorta Parasite coming out of her eye- ehhhhh she's probably fine...probably. I just saw it and uh yeah that day we found out it is definitely attached to the eye socket- yeah...we need to see a doctor.

"Don't sweat it... it'll just grow back like it did when Al dumped it in burning oil."

"HEY! I was trying to get rid of it!" Yep did that too- we should definitely see a doctor.

"Ok... uh- didn't know that one, heh uh maybe you should take a rest-"

*Ding* My phone ringed I checked the notification.

Texas🇺🇸: You free today?

Alberta🇨🇦 : Ya, just finished chores.

Texas🇺🇸:Nice- feel free to come down here, me and Kansas are practicing for the rodeo if y'all wanna come?

Alberta🇨🇦: Y'all?

Texas🇺🇸: yeah you and Sascatchewlawn

Alberta🇨🇦: Alright I'll see!

"Who ya texting?" Sask asked

"Texas he's wondering if me and you wanna head to do some rodeo practice?"

Sask took a look at my phone and started laughing. "Alrighty I'll call over Sascatchewlawn-"

"You know he can't say it properly! You're being a jerk!"

"Ugh, whatever I'll just get my things," Saskatchewan exited the room as I grabbed my lasso and hat. I can't believe Texas (my best friend in all the world) was actually doing something I'm good at! I love Rodeos they're my favourite event all year- either then maybe hockey season . The bulls, horses, all that jazz playing in the background, yeah... that's what I love.

"Stop daydreaming Al! We got rodeo practice to go to!"

"Hey wait for me!"

We hopped into the truck and headed south- to the Texan ranch!

"Sooooo, have you gone to a doctor yet?"

"Nope- either than my sight it doesn't hurt or anything."


 "Am I driving my twin or someone else because you aren't ever this quiet."

"Nope this is Alberta the best province in all of Canada!"

"HEY! Your pushing it youngster!"

"We're literally twins!"

"Eh.. still am older!"

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