Daddy issues

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"So this is Rupert's land! Say hi Rupert's land!"

"Upper Canada, the weird island ones, that one on the coast, the tiny angry one, whatever the hell you five are and... Northwest Territories," Rupert's Land pointed to each province with a sour tone on his voice. The provinces and territories seemed to match his look with frowns and groans.

These all were nothing to Northwest Territories.

"Go back to being dead."

"That's how you greet your old man? God what failure I have raised," Rupert's land snapped at him with a bitter tongue. Nunavut responded with her tongue out. Rupert, disgusted, pointed to her. "What's that and what the hell is happening with its hair?"

"That's my little sister and I don't think you get the right to ask so many darn questions. Turks and Caicos can send you back to the hell you belong at any time. Right?"

Turks and Caicos made a nervous shrug. "Well... not exactly."

"See. We get all the time in the world to catch up on the disasters you and your hellhole family has caused. We might even schedule in some Father-Son time," he said as he leaned on Northwest's desk. "Just like the time you've been having with all these barbarians! I mean that one is wearing trousers! What has the world come to!"

New Brunswick sat dumbfounded for a moment. "You mean shorts?"

"Not even that dumb rebel girl could do such a sinful act and look at her. Hung by yours truly, her own flesh and blood." Rupert's Land made sure to look at Northwest when he made that comment. "Remember 1885 in your capital's square?"

"Shut up."

"Wasn't Manitoba under your wing then too? You hung his own mother in front of him and his sisters."

Manitoba got ready to get up as British Columbia pulled him back to his spot.

"Shut up."

"I'm not wrong. You decided it. You killed your own sister."


Northwest Territories stood up with his hands clenched against the wood. His teeth were clenched as Rupert looked at him in shame. It was clear Northwest had been burying that information back for awhile.

"I don't blame you. She was a savage even before the 1880s. She deserved every bit of that death. Much more grander then her son leaving her on her deathbed as she suffered the worst pain of her life."

"And you deserved every second of pain you felt alone in sad shack," Northwest snapped back. Rupert's land rolled his eyes and turned away.

He moved his judgmental eyes to a different person. "Huh. Upper Canada, you look a lot like your old man. That's if you're old man had long hair and looked like he wore girl clothes in his spare time. Say, where is Lower? Is she still as stubborn as always?" Rupert's Land asked.

Ontario and Quebec shared a glance of worry.

"Not like it would matter anyway. Turks and Caicos! Can you make this guy leave already," Quebec argued before turning to face Ontario and sneering, "loving this idea of yours Rio."

"Oh c'mon, you telling me you weren't at least a little curious?"

"Well maybe but I didn't act on it like some people!"

Rupert's land slowly edged away from the argument. He accidentally laid his hand down by Manitoba's desk.

"Ah! Manitoba!"

"Get your hand off my desk."

"Really?" He asked as if this was surprising him. "Now you're upset at me too? I was just standing up for you just a moment ago. You know you look a lot like her."

"I wonder why," Manitoba snapped back sarcastically.

"Didn't you name that one after her? She looks nothing like her... well except for the green I guess," Rupert's Land mumbled, flicking Saskatchewan's hair. Alberta slapped his hand away. "Wait a second... wasn't this one the same one that got involved with the mafia? Woah Northwest's choices really do rub off on people."

"Keep him out of my decisions," Saskatchewan said as cold as she could with her hot anger.

He rolled his eyes and stared down the other twin who was standing now over her sister. "And you must be Alby! You know just because workaholic and alcoholic rhyme doesn't mean you should be doing both!" He looked over to Nova Scotia. "Same goes for you Scottie! I can see you jittering from over there."

New Brunswick picked up her head and raised a arm in front of Nova Scotia.

"If all you're going to do is attack my siblings I think we've had enough time to look at you and you're disgusting face," Northwest Territories said with a sharp tone. "Leave."

Rupert's land turned his head upward and looked down at his boy. He stared at him like he was a little failure that'd be better off in the gutter. This wasn't a rare thing for Rupert to put Northwest through but it still hurt every time. "You've got a strong tongue for a cheat and a killer."


Rupert grimaced in Northwest's disobedience. "When I want to I will but none of you have told me anything!"

"Leave Rupert's land."

Northwest was almost choked as the man grabbed his collar and shoved him close to his face. Northwest but his tongue as Rupert leaned in and whispered, "you're still like before, just a stupid child. Do I need to teach you your place again?"

Northwest Territories stopped for a moment more then he'd like as just a hint of fear ricocheted in his stomach. The man who was threatening him smiled at his fear as he seemed ready and happy to choke his son out at any moment.

Though he was very unable, and instead was replaced with a whack as Yukon elbowed the guy in the face. He slid to the desk and rubbed his bleeding nose in agony. "Why you little witch!"

"BLUE CHILD! Can you please make this man leave already." She took a little glance at her brother. "He's caused enough damage then it's worth."

"ALRIGHTY! Lemme give this a try hey?"

1017 words

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