Episode 8: The Kryptarian Prison Blues

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Hello again! Ready for another review?

Plot: We see the ninja adjusting to life in prison and get a visit from Skylor and Dareth. Meanwhile Nya gets Pixal's help to become Samurai X again. Pythor gets recruited by the Crystal King and the ninja attempt to stop him, but accidentally cause damage to the place and get themselves in more trouble.

Things I enjoyed:

- The prison escape scene was fantastic with lighting and camera work. I hope they do more stuff like this at night because it looks so cool.

- Zane just drinking motor oil angrily at Pythor! 😂

- Pythor is just as awesome as I remember and his wildbrain design and animation is excellent!

- I like how Kai and Skylor had an interaction finally. Also I love how Skylor is still there after all these episodes.

- Lloyd just loves waking Cole up! 😂

- I have a feeling that Pixal has a secret to how she finishes those vehicles so fast and it's exactly what I have been asking for since season 11. Something for her to do!

Things I didn't like:

- You mean to tell me that you'll let Dareth, Skylor and the creepy Kabuki Guy in, BUT NYA CAN'T VISIT?! I NEED A JAYA INTERACTION THAT LAST LONGER THAN 20 SECONDS! 😡😭😭😭

- Dareth, Zane is a better lawyer than you.

- The whole "legal conference" scene was kinda unnecessary. It was nice that they got an update on Nya, but it would have been better if Nya was actually there. Once again, I need at least some Jaya content and/or Smith sibling moments!

- So does this that Nya is done being Samurai X now? Cause she gave that up awfully quick.

Favorite line:

"If you wanna keep your teeth, don't eat the cake." - Cole

Overall score: 7/10

This episode definitely had its problems but it was still very enjoyable. See you tomorrow guys!

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