Episode 25: Safe Haven

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Plot: Kai wakes up from the accident and saves Cole who has a concussion. During a run in with Pythor, they are saved by Skylor and run into the arcade. There they find Jake and hear a message from Wu hinting them to go to the newspaper warehouse. There they reunite with Master Wu and get Jake back to his parents. Meanwhile Lloyd and Garmadon find themselves in the home of the serpentine in the sewers and leave a message for them to come and help.

Things I enjoyed:

- Pythor is awesome as always! He's so funny!

- Pythor is so afraid of Skylor and it's hilarious! 🤣

- I swear Jake is Kai's son from the future. It was cool to see him again.

- The way Skylor and Kai looked at Jake with his parents. So wholesome. 🥲

Things I didn't like:

- Cole just automatically recovered from his concussion in less than two minutes. That was a little unrealistic.

- Lloyd give your father a break. He's trying his best.

Favorite line:

"You can run but you can't hide! We will find you! The Crystal King sees all! He will bring devastation among all of... are you still there? Hello, can't see you. Am I just talking to myself or what? Dah... well that's just rude." -Pythor

Overall score: 9/10

I'm about to go to lunch with a friend so I'll be back a bit later. Stay Awesome!

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