Chap 2

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We arrive in as the bell for first period rings. I walk down the corridor being pushed around by the stereo types.

I head into me garrisons class room and take a seat.

"Good morning in class" mr garrison says setting papers down on his desk

"Good morning mr garrison!" The class chants. he turns around and groans

"Oh no! Seriously children? I thought me and Kyle put a stop to this."

"Pfft. that butch couldn't put a stop to anything" Craig says kicking my leg. I flinch.

Tweek, Jason and token laugh.

"So Stan, your being proven wrong by this guy again right?" Token says.

"I beat he doesn't even moisturise!" Jason says and tweek laughs

"You s-s-should wash y-your hair once in a-a-a while too."

I sigh just letting the insults flow. mr garrisons tells the class to shut up and continues with the lesson.

-break time-

I clutch my history book close to my chest as I walk down the playground. I glare at Stan as he makes eye contact with me. it's killing me to do this. I love him so much.

"Hey butch!" I freeze but dot turn around. The guys who I thought where my friends surround me and start calling me names. Craig grabs my jacket and slams me into the wall. I drop my history book. Jason walk up behind him.

He looks at my hair. "EW! No conditioner at all!"

"What a butch you are broflovski." Stan again makes eye contact with me. I feel tears come to my eyes as he walks away. I know I've been a dock but I always help him when Craig corners him. is look down and just let Craig and his gang beat me up,

I really don't care anymore

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