The five managed to get out before the lab exploded and they snuck out of the entry container.

They looked around and only saw smoke.

"Okay, I take that back."

Bucky yelled, "All right! Wait for my signal!" They took on gunfire and Sam found an opening, instantly taking it. "Damn it!" Bucky stepped around the container door, covering everyone's backs.

Sharon went to the right with Sam while Žofia chose to remain with Bucky.

Bucky and Žofia held their ground until his gun jammed. "Ah!" He pulled his left hand down.

The two joined Sam and Sharon and Bucky said, "I thought we were gonna go left."

"You went the wrong way!" Sam retorted.

"I cleared the way!"

"I came out first. You are supposed to follow me. You as well, Žofia."

"And where are we now?" Žofia shot back.

"Guys, Žofia, not the time!" Sharon yelled, ducking down after shooting a few more rounds. "I'm out!"

Žofia shot her gun a few more times and a click sounded. "As am I."

"This is a barricade," Bucky said.

"It's in every action movie!" Sam shot back.

A single gunshot sounded and there was another explosion, which caused the four to duck. Zemo fought the remaining bounty hunters.

Bucky pushed žofia back before saying, "Go. Come on. Let's go."

They ran through the containers as they got shot at. A bullet sounded like it hit a container, causing Žofia to stop and turn back. Bucky turned back as well, hearing the same sound.

"Buck! Žofia!" Sam yelled.

More bullets hit a container, near Žofia's head and she ducked.

A man came closer to them and Žofia picked up a pipe and said, "James! Catch!" She threw the pipe to Bucky who caught it and hit the man who was shooting at Sam and Sharon.

Sam opened a container and used it as a shield. Bucky and Žofia walked up to him as he cried, "Let's go!"

Žofia turned to Bucky. "You do have a plan, yes? Because if you don't, we're in deeper shit."

Bucky nodded and punched the far side of the container, causing light to enter the pitch black room.

As soon as they got out the container, they heard tires screeching.

A car pulled around a corner and stopped in front of them.

"Hello..." Zemo greeted from the driver's seat. "Supercharged."

Sam shook his head. "You're going back to jail."

"Do you want to find Karli or not?"

Bucky nodded as he opened the door for Žofia. "And there's three of us, and at least 20 of them. Come on." Žofia climbed into the car.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Fine. But if you try that shit again..."

Zemo chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"That goes for you too, Žofia."

Sharon walked up and stood next to the car. "Well, that was one hell of a reunion."

Sam glanced back at her, the back passenger's door still open. "Come back to the States with us."

"I told you I can't. Just get me that pardon you promised me."

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