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As Bucky walked along the street, he turned, getting the sense he was being followed. But he saw no one. He kept walking, glancing in his peripheral in case his follower made themselves known.

Sure enough, they did.

He grabbed them by the arm and pushed them into an alley, finally getting a chance to see their face. "Žofia? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Making sure you're not causing havoc," she said. "Желание. Ржавый. Семнадцать."

(Longing. Rusted. Seventeen.)

Bucky shook his head. "They don't work anymore. Why were you following me?"

"Ah, so you noticed."

"Of course I noticed. I know when I'm being followed. Answer the damn question."

"Something about you intrigues me, James. I can't explain it. I'm drawn to you. I hated it at first, but I've come to accept it. I was going to find you earlier, but there was the matter of the Blip. And I'm assuming you were dusted given that I couldn't find you."

He lowered his arms and nodded, crossing them. "Yeah. I was. So you're following me because you're interested in me? If I had a nickel for every time I'd heard that, I'd be rich."

"You're lucky my father is a Baron."

He scoffed. "Right. Which makes you what? A princess?"

"Of the sort. A Lady if you care to be specific."

"Does your father know you're here?"

"Not in Brooklyn specifically, but he's aware that I was looking for you. He wasn't the most accepting, but knew he couldn't dissuade me from what I intended to do."

Bucky let out a long sigh. "Is it possible that you've gotten more annoying?"

"Or you're just tired of putting up with everyone's shit."

"Should a Lady be saying such language?"

"Last I knew you weren't Captain Rogers."

"No, doll, I'm not."

"Look. We can keep bickering or try to converse civilly."

"How about you start by apologizing for triggering me."

"I'm sorry for that. My father and I did what we had to do to get what we needed."

"To break the Avengers apart you mean."

"Yes, well, as I said. we did what we had to do. I am sorry though."

He sighed. "I can't hold you completely responsible. You were a kid. Old enough to know what you were doing, but still young enough to hold less responsibility."

She smirked lightly. "Well, now that we're on the same page, shall we grab tea? I know a spectacular place."

"You're just going to follow if I walk away, aren't you?"


"I'm stuck with you, aren't I?"

"Until I decide otherwise, yes. I hope you're in the mood for company, James."

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