• Chapter Two •

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Hmmm, he seems to be a decent person... she thought to herself. She was happy that this tour of the facility might not be that boring. "Follow me." Jay said as he pushed the button to open the door. April quickly got behind him.

As they left the room, they started to head down a hallway. Their first stop was a huge fenced-off pool of water. "This is where we keep the aquatic gootraxians." He stated as he nodded towards the pool. "However, some are rather shy. Others... well, they're a bit aggressive." April nodded, wondering what these aquatic goos looked like.

They then continued onto the cafeteria. "This is the cafeteria, where we serve breakfast and dinner. Feel free to come here on break aswell!" Jay said in a happy tone. And after crossing over, they got to the bathrooms. "These are the bathrooms. Not much explaining to do here. Just don't touch those crates in the corner." April nodded and they went along to their next stop.

"This is the storage room, where we keep clothing, medicine, and weapons. However, only use the weapons in an emergency. They can be very dangerous if not handled right." April nodded and shivered a bit. What could those weapons do?

As they continued on, they got to a few rooms with button doors leading to them. "These are the testing rooms," Jay explained. "Never go into the gootrax part though. You never know if you'll accidentally walk into an aggressive one." April blinked. "Are there non-aggressive goos?" She asked, tilting her head a bit. "Yes, but it's 50/50 in a way. Some are aggressive, some are not." He explained.

They then went through a garden where plant and insect goos were hidden and out of sight, a tree with pillows surrounding it, the elevators to the basement, and after a long while, they came to the place April was anticipating to see. The crystal cavern.

"Here is the crystal cavern. We don't know much about this place as someone found it recently by accidentally busting through a wall. That's why we have alot of scientists there at the moment." Jay blinked for a moment before adding, "And don't touch those crystals. We don't know what they do yet." April tried to nod, but was too mesmerized by the crystals. The brilliant blue color, the shining glitter, the abnormal size...

She jumped as she heard Jay speak again. "Now, let's head to one of the testing rooms, I'm sure writing down notes won't be too hard of a job for you." He smiled as they walked back to the testing rooms.


April took a seat beside Jay. There were three other scientists in the room, all looking bored out of their minds. After waiting a little bit longer, April saw her first gootraxian.

It was light mint with three grey horns on its head, a set of transparent bug-like wings, green markings and neck fluff, light red markings around the end of its arms and legs, and light red eyes to match those markings. Jay turned towards April. "This is a Figs, an insect-like gootraxian who likes to eat sweet fruits. Today we're doing the simple test of seeing which fruit it likes best."

April was too amazed to respond. That thing wasn't scary, it was adorable! April watch as a guard put a few fruits infront of it: a banana, a strawberry, a few blueberries, raspberries, an orange, a peach, and something that looked very similar to a peach. The guard then walked out, leaving the Figs on its own.

April picked up her clipboard and pen and got ready to write. First, the Figs stared at all of the options for a little bit. Then it went to the weird peach fruit and ate it. April noted that down. Then, the guard walked back in and replaced it. The Figs immediately ate the fruit again. After a few more repeats of the Figs eating the strange fruit, the test was concluded with the result being that the Figs liked the strange fruit the best.

Jay looked over at April after checking his watch. "Hey, want to go get some lunch? It's lunch break." April nodded and followed him to the cafeteria.


April ate a hamburger while Jay ate some salad. "I honestly thought that Figs would've gone for the strawberry. But I suppose it likes its normal diet over a different one." April laughed. "I would say something about that, but I have no idea what those things eat or act like!" Jay laughed a bit as he ate the last of his salad.

"So, what are we doing after lunch break?" April asked as she followed Jay to the dish disposal. "Another test on two goos." His voice seemed to lower a bit. "Hey, why so sad all of a sudden?" April questioned. Jay sighed before answering. "Well... these goos are one of the more aggressive ones. And the tests on them normally don't go well..." April nodded with understanding. "Well, let's head over there and get it done with." Jay blinked and said nothing as they walked down the hallway towards the testing rooms.


After they got settled in, a trio of guards brought the two goos in. One was a orange squirrel-ish one with a light orange underbelly, yellow glowing eyes, neon orange horns and a neon tail tip on its bushy tail. The other one was a cat-like one with grey fur, darker markings and underbelly, neon purple pawpads, horns, spikes, and eyes, and it's defining feature was the grey bucket atop its head.

April was a bit scared, as those two had only hate for each other in their eyes and were also trying to escape their leashes to fight with each other. As soon as the button to unlock their collars was pushed, they lunged at each other. After hearing words waft through the room as the goos attacked each other, April picked up their names: Fashui and Buck.

Fashui had already made quick work of Buck's hat, with it lying in a corner. Fierce cries rang out as they bit and clawed at each other, and occasionally trying to stab with their horns. Goo the color of their furs was flying everywhere, covering the floor and a bit of the walls. But after what seemed like forever, Buck got a bite on Fashui's throat and ripped it, killing Fashui in an instant. Buck then spat out the fur and did something similar to a victory call.

After chaining the Buck back up, guards came in and cleaned the goo-blood up and dragged the Fashui's body out of the room. April was horrified. So that's what Jay meant when he called some goos 'aggressive.' But, no matter how bloody the fight was, she noted it all down on her clipboard.

Once the lead scientist looked over the reports, hers was actually deemed the best one! Jay had already came to say congrats before heading home. April figured she should do the same. Heading out to her car, she figured that whatever this job had to bring would be a wild ride

(No, Fashui and Buck don't have canon rivalry from what I know but they're both aggressive species) 1207 words

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