• Chapter Nine •

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April eyes slowly fluttered open. First thing she noticed was that she could barely see anything due to how blurry her vision was.

Blinking to clear it up, she sat up against a wall and looked at her surroundings. She seemed to be in a glass cage with white tile flooring, and she was the only thing inside the cage.

The outside of the cage seemed to be the lab judging by how much scientific equipment was scattered around.

"Ah, it's awake." April heard a walkie-talkie turn on. "The new test subject is awake. Requesting backup to get it ready for testing." April knew the sound of a guard's walkie-talkie.

Her fur ruffled, she backed up against a wall after he came into view. April felt scared and helpless. There wasn't anything she could do to stop this. And that's when she heard the electrical door open and a few people coming in.

Looking at the group, she noticed two guards and a testing group of five scientists. But when she saw who one of the scientists was, she felt anger flare up within her. It was none other than Jay. The person who has not told her about the safety bunkers. The person who ordered the guards to shoot her without even a thought.

She wanted to try and lunge at him, but she knew that would only get her killed. Then he walked in, two guards behind him.

"Well well well, look who it is? The creature that escaped me by a hair." April scooted into a corner, scared of him. "Well, let's get you in for testing. And since I still think your a bit aggressive, I think we'll have you fight... hm... how about a Fed?"

April's ears pinned against her head. She didnt know how to fight. So when the guards locked a collar around her neck, she dug her claws into the cracks of the tiles. But that's when she felt as if she was shot again.

Pain raced through her, making her sheath her claws. She heard Jay laughing above her, making her growl a bit. "Ooo, someone's mad they got shocked. Alright you two, let's get it to the testing room."

She finally stood up, not wanting to be dragged across concrete. Fur still ruffled, she padded along with the group into the testing room.

Once they got there, she watched as all the scientists sat down while a guard took off her shock collar. She sat up against a wall, pulling her legs to her chest, knowing that if the Fed attacked, she was dead. She was practically helpless.

Then she saw it. A wolf with a fedora on top of his head. However, he looked just as scared as she was.

Once the guards left, she looked at the Fed, pupils narrow as they could get. Then she snapped. "Please don't hurt me, I'll do anything! I don't know how to fight, plus I don't want to kill you either. Please, I beg you to not hurt me..."

Then she broke out, crying. Drops of water ran down her face, soaking her now matted fur. She wished she had Akira with her right now. Akira would be good at comforting her. Looking up to she what the fed was doing, she saw him breathing in and out, seemingly trying to calm himself down. Then he sat down.

"Don't worry, you're fine. I don't really know how to fight either. And frankly, I'd like to stay alive." April sighed out 'Thank you.' before glancing at the scientists on the other side of the glass.

They seemed to look stunned. All of them except for Jay. He seemed mad. And he just confirmed April's guess as he stood up and yelled 'Hurry up and fight!' at them. Being as she used to be human, she understood him.

The Fed looked over at April. "Any idea what he just said?" He asked while tilting his head. "He really wants us to fight." April said in a low tone of voice. The Fed laughed. "Good luck on getting me to do that."

They both jumped when Jay slammed his clipboard down. Then April saw two guards enter the room. As they dragged the Fed and April out, the Fed winked at her. She smiled back at him.


April had been stuck in her cage for a day now. And she now fully understood why Ozone wanted to escaped. They hadn't given her even scraps to eat. And they hadn't provided her with anything to do either.

She spent most of her time trying to learn how to fight. But that changed her when she had heard her door open, something land on the floor, and the door shutting.

Turning around to see what they had thrown into her cage, she saw it was a phone. April's eyes lit up as she dashed over to it. She could finally call her Mom! Turning it on, she clicked on the phone app. Then she dialed her Mom's number.


April, there you are! I was worried sick about you! Where have you been?

I've been at the facility Mom, they uh... asked to to stay here for a few months.

Huh? Why do you sound like a cat?

Cat? Why are you saying I sound like a cat?

April, stop playing around with me and tell me where you are.

At Laminax Laboratory, where I work?

Alright, if you're just going to do this, you'd better call me later when you feel like it's not a good time to joke around. Bye.

With that the called ended. Why did she keep saying I sounded like a cat..? Then it clicked. She remembered that she was a feline gootraxian. If she was speaking in the goo's language, she would sound like she was a cat.

She felt tears brimming at her eyes. She would never be able to talk to her Mom again. But they immediately went away when she started thinking about Akira. Akira would save her right..? No, of course she wouldn't. I need to stop thinking about her. But it's so hard... Something about her makes me feel so... what's the words... warm in fuzzy inside. She makes me happy. But... why does all of that happen when I'm around her? Is it because I... No. Even if I did feel that way about her, she would never feel the same way about me, right?

Sighing, she curling up on the cold tiles, resting her head on her tail. Closing her eyes, she started to drift into sleep. But just when she was about to fall asleep, she heard banging on the other side of the glass.

Growling, she rolled over to see Jay, who looked manic in a way. He was throwing all sort of insults at her. Ignoring it, she rolled back over to try and go back asleep.

But before she could close her eyes again, everything suddenly had a light blue haze over it. She shot up, wondering why everything had turned blue. But that's when she noticed Jay's flashlight. Her eyes must've let her see in the dark, only needing to have that weird blue haze over her vision to do it.

Just then the intercom cut on: Attention all Laminax employees, get to a safety bunker as fast as you can. All test subjects will be set free in a few moments. Thank you, and stay safe. Then it cut off.

Jay was a bit too confident in himself. He sat there, still insulting April. Just when her door snapped open, she lunged at Jay, sinking her claws into him, knocking him over. She didn't care about transfurring him, which she had learned to do during her free time. No, she wanted to kill him. She want to get revenge on him. Jay tried to throw her off, but to no avail. April then suck her teeth into his chest, her crystal teeth crushing his ribcage. She then proceeded to tear him apart, making a mess out of him. And just when she had finished, she heard footsteps.

Blood all over her, she ran away, smiling at what she did. She had gotten revenge.

(Uh oh, it looks like Jay messed up) 1379 words

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