Chapter 14

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You were met by the sound of silence as you entered Mikey's penthouse.  Usually Mikey would be waiting either on the couch or at the top of the stairs with a drink in hand when you arrived, but not this time. You walked to the kitchen area and removed the bento box you had made from your bag and placed it on the gigantic kitchen island. "Mikey?" You called, glancing around the open floor plan. No response. He wasn't going to invite you over just to sit there alone so you had no doubt that he would be back, but it was weird being there without him. Almost eerie. You turned your attention from the empty home to pop the top on the bento box you had brought with you to admire the meal you had prepared, dumplings, rice and steamed veggies. You had never brought food with you for Mikey but since you were already preparing it when he messaged you you decided that it might be a good idea. You were kind of eager to show off your kitchen skills to him also. The idea of impressing him actually made you excited. 

"Well, well, what smells so good in here." You heard Mikey's voice come from the entrance. Just as you thought, he wasn't going to just leave you there. "I thought I would be nice and bring some food since you so rudely interrupted my cooking earlier." You replied, leaning over the marble island. "For me?" He asked as he joined you at the island, reaching for the bento box. You quickly grabbed it and pulled it toward you. "You? What makes you think its for you? Maybe I brought it for me?" You teased. "Would you really treat me like that." He pouted, sticking his lower lip out like a toddler looking up at you through his thick lashes. You laughed at him, he was just so cute and he knew it. "Yes Mikey, it's for you." You said as you slid it toward him. He eagerly accepted the box, smiling as he eyeballed the contents inside. "Wow, this looks amazing! I didn't know you could cook." He said as he picked up his chopsticks and began eating. "I enjoy it. Its nice to see people enjoy something you prepared." You said, relishing in his face as he took a bite. "I appreciate you bringing me some. I can't tell you the last time I had a home cooked meal." He said giving you a smile with a mouth full of rice. 

"Don't thank me just yet, I have a surprise for you." You said. He shot his head up from the food to look at you with the face of an excited child on christmas day. "What is it?" He asked, eagerness in his voice." You reached into your bag and pulled out another plastic box. "Someone mentioned to me that this is your favorite." He quickly reached for the box, ripping the lid off the top and tossing it to the side. You watched as a smile spread across his face as he stared into the box. "You made me taiyaki?" He asked as he pulled out a fish shaped cake. "I've had the pan sitting under the counter for forever so I decided to actually use it. I made some for the house and decided I would share with you." You explained. "You're spoiling me." He chuckled as he took a bite from the fish shaped desert. "Oh my god its so much better fresh. I could definitely come home to this everyday." He said as he took another bite. 'Come home to this everyday? what did he mean by that? Maybe I'm looking to far into this.' You thought as the comment took you off guard. You quickly snapped back to reality.

"So....where were you when I got here?" You asked, trying to change the subject. "I was at a "business' meeting. I'd actually been there since I texted you. " He said,  switching back to his bento box of food. "Business meeting?" You asked, you knew Toman had their hands in al ot of things but you never knew exactly what. "Yeah, running Toman might look like its all fun and games but it can get quite busy. I won't bore you with all the tiny details though." He answered. "Why'd you want to know?" He added, raising an eyebrow. Curious to your answer. "It was just weird you not being here like usual. It was so quiet." You explained. 

"I'll show you something for future reference then." He stood up from his seat and walked over to the counter next to the fridge. "You see this?" He turned to look at you, pointing at a white box hanging from the bottom of the cabinet on the wall. You nodded your head watching his every move. "This is the main system to my surround sound throughout the entire house. Just push this button on the side to turn it on and you can connect your phone to it and listen to whatever you want." He explained as he turned it on and walked back to stand beside you at the island. "Give me your phone." He said, putting his hand out. You pulled your phone out form your pocket and placed it in his hand after unlocking it. He began hooking your phone to the system and then selecting your music to start playing. "There you go. Now you will be able to hook up to it whenever you are. No more sitting in  the quiet." He said handing you back your phone as your music began playing through speakers he had in the ceiling. "That's awesome! Thank you!" You said with a smile. You knew it as something small but it meant a lot to you. "Well, put something good on DJ and I'll make us some drinks." He laughed as he gathered the dishes up you had brought and placed them in the fridge for later use. 

You and Mikey spent the next few hours drinking. laughing and dancing. The kitchen had become your own personal club. It was just like the first time the two of you had met but more carefree. The upbeat club music you had playing slowly faded to a slower one, the old timey tune began echoing throughout the penthouse. "What's this?" Mikey asked with a scrunched face as he took a shot of grey goose. "Oh my god, this is one of my favorite songs." You exclaimed as you closed your eyes and took a sip of your drink, already feeling tingly from the past two shots. (Song: Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez & Em Beihold) You began swaying back and forth singing the words 'Georgia, wrap me up in all your...." Mikey moved from his spot near the counter over to you. He grabbed the drink from your hand and placed it on the counter next to his. You opened your eyes quickly to stare at him. 'What is he doing?'   You thought. He softly grabbed your hands and placed them around the back of his neck, then proceeded to put his hands around your waist. He said not a word as the two of you slow danced in the middle of the kitchen as the song continued to play. You stared up at him as he did the same to you. The soft look in his eyes was back again. It was almost like he was lost, searching through your eyes for answers. You wished he wouldn't do this because it was just making that feeling you were trying to push down crawl back up. You could feel it in your chest and throughout every inch of your body. 

"Why do you keep coming back over here?" He asked suddenly. Still swaying back and forth with you. You stared up at him in confusion. Not sure if this was a trick question, the alcohol talking or even how to answer. "You know you don't have to if you don't want to." he added. "Mikey, I come because I want to." You quickly answered, a concerned look spreading across your face. "I'm not the greatest of people you know. Not sure why a pretty college girl with her shit together would even want to hang out with someone as messed up as I am." He spewed. You were shocked that this was even coming out of his mouth. It was definitely the alcohol. "Mikey! Don't ever talk about yourself negatively. You are smart, funny and so cool under pressure. Not to mention your high kick is insane. You are amazing." You blurted out to him as you placed your hands on both sides of his face. He looked almost sad or defeated on top of obviously being drunk. You both stood there in silence staring at each other for what seemed like forever before he leaned in, locking his lips with yours. Another sweet, soft and passionate kiss like before.  "Why are you so perfect?" He breathed as he parted his lips from yours for a few seconds before locking them back, not giving you any chance to argue with the statement. There you were, with the one person that could turn you to putty in their hands. Who you had definitely fallen for and would ultimately hurt you. 

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