Season 2: Chapter 3

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"Fuck Y/N. I'm gonna cum" Hanma panted as he continued thrusting between your legs. Your breath quickened as his speed picked up with with each movement. You and Hanma had been hooking up for about 6 months now, on and off. You hadn't dated anyone in years and frankly you didn't care to. Being let down, used or lied to was not something you were going to put yourself through. Hanma was easy and willing so you took advantage of it, but there were no feelings attached. Frankly, you couldn't stand Hanma but he was a good errand boy along with boy toy. You were close to finishing as you closed your eyes to focus on the building sensation. Within seconds Hanma let out a long moan as you did the same, both releasing your climax. He rolled off you as you both laid in the bed trying to catch your breath. The room was filled with the heavy breaths escaping you both.

"Fuck Y/N, I feel like this gets better and better each time." Hanma said as he began peeling the condom off, tossing it in the trash can next to the bed. You gave no response as you laid there staring at the ceiling, trying to get your thoughts and breath together. "Are you ever gonna let me kiss you? Sex could be even more intense if you would let me kiss you." He said as he rolled over laying and light kiss on your shoulder. You sat up quickly, throwing your legs over the side of your bed. "No Hanma. You know the deal." You said as you stood up, your naked body illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window. Kissing had always been off the table, it was an intimate gesture and you weren't going to give that to anyone anymore. "I'll make you change your mind one day." Hanma snickered as he reached for his glasses on the nightstand. "Shut up Hanma. Now I suggest you get up and get your clothes and out my room before I let Duke out. You'll be leaving with one less leg if he gets out before you." You told Hanma, referring to your Doberman pincher that was currently howling in the bathroom. "Why you got to be so mean to me." He pouted as he got up, scooping up his clothes in the process. "Leave Hanma." You said once more, before opening the door to the bathroom to enter it.

You quickly shut the door behind you to keep the eager dog inside. You patted him on the head as you walked to the shower, ready to wash what remnants of Hanma you had off you. Within 20 minutes you were done. You quickly dried off and put on your robe before you opened the bathroom door. Duke bolted through the bathroom doorway and into the room to find no Hanma. "He's gone boy." You said as Duke charged around the room, nose to the ground following his scent. Duke was not a fan of most men just a select few but he especially did not like Hanma.You sat down on the bed, patting the white comforter to signal for Duke to join you. You took his narrow head in your hands as you planted a kiss on his nose. "Sorry you had to go in the bathroom again. Momma had to get rid of some tension. It was a stressful day." You said to the oblivious dog who was just glad to be with you once again. You reached in your bedside drawer and pulled out a joint and a lighter, lighting it before taking a long drag from it. You exhaled the smoke from your lungs as you watched it rise into the air. You went to take another long drag from it when you heard a knock at the door. You rolled your eyes, it better not be Hanma.

'Yes, who is it?" You asked, exhaling again. "It's me." Kaede said from the other side of the door. "Come in." You answered as the door creaked open. "I saw Hanma going down the hallway." He said, he already knew what was going on. "Yeah, I don't want to hear it." You said rolling your eyes. "You know you are. Why do you keep messing with that weasel?" He asked as he approached your bed, taking a seat beside you. "Cuz I can. Instead of me running around town I stick to him. Isn't like I like him or anything. Plus he is dumb, obedient and being good looking is a plus." You said handing the joint to Kaede.  "I'll pretend I didn't hear the last part. But it still doesn't make it any better." He said as he took a drag. "So I'm guessing todays situation has you on edge." He said. "What makes you think that." You asked as you stroked Duke's back. Kaede held up the joint between his fingers. He knew you only smoked when you were super stressed which wasn't often. Occasional nights where you would wake up from a nightmare was the main time you would have one or when you made a new deal with someone you didn't know. "Yeah, I guess you can say that." You said as he passed the joint back to you.

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