Chapter 16

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A week and a half had passed since you had last seen Mikey. You kept with your decision to create some space between the two of you, giving you time to figure out if this was really worth the pain and maybe to also give him some time to figure things out. The new semester had already started so you had plenty of distractions to keep you busy. Mikey was persistent though. He would send you a text nearly every night asking for you to come over, which you would reply with something along the lines of 'I'm busy' and 'I can't tonight'.  Putting your phone away after seemed to really help with not caving in. The first few nights were hard so Mimi would take your phone, leaving you with no option but to stick to your decision. It was so hard. All you wanted to do was rush to his penthouse when he texted you and give into him. He had a hold on you that was gut wrenching, but it needed to be broken. You wouldn't let him mess with not only your mind but now your heart and emotions anymore.

"Are we still doing movie night tonight?" Mimi asked as the two of you walked in the door, just getting home from a long friday at college. "Of course, Emma said she needed to grab some stuff from the store and then she would be over." You answered, tossing your books next to the couch in the living room. "Cool deal, I'm going to go change and then I'll call in a pizza." Mimi said as she headed up the stairs. You weren't far behind as you headed to your room to change out of your school uniform as well. Just as you entered your room your phone began to chime. You pulled it out of your pocket, an unknown number displayed across the screen. 

"Hello?" You answered, unsure of who may be on the other line. "Y/N?" the male voice asked. "This is she." you responded, still stumped on the voice. "Oh good! I have the right number. Its Mitsuya!" The sweet voice said. "Mitsuya! How are you and how did you get my number?" You asked, happy to hear from him. "I'm great, and I got it from Emma. I'm going to make this quick since I know you are probably wore out form school today but I really need you to do a favor for me." He said. A favor? Last thing you expected but you were a little curious as to what it may be. "Okay, shoot. What you need." You answered as you placed him on speaker so you could change in the process. "So I know it's last minute but I really need you to come and be apart of my fashion gallery tomorrow." Mitsuya began to explain. "A fashion gallery?" you asked, not really sure what that was about. You knew what a fashion show was but not a gallery. "Well first off it's like a fashion show but no runway. Everyone comes in regular dress except my models who will wear my gowns that I have designed." He explained to you. "So like a museum with live models." You said, continuing to change your clothes. "Exactly! So please say you will help me, ask Mimi as well. I already roped Emma in." he pleaded with you. How could you tell this sweet boy no. "Mitsuya I would be honored to wear anything you design." you said, you were actually excited about this. A day of parading around in a fancy dress sounded nice. "Thank you so much, you are a doll. Talk to Mimi and I need the two of you here around lunch time so I can fit you and do any last minute alterations before as well as hair and makeup. It starts at 5, Emma knows where it is so just come with her." He said, excitement in his voice. "You are very welcome!! I will talk to her in a min. See you then." The two of you said your goodbyes and you hung up the phone. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day for sure


The Next Day:

"Welcome ladies!!" Mitsuya cheered as you, Mimi and Emma entered the building. "Hi!" You three answered. "Its like I have my own personal Charlie's Angels to work with today." He laughed as he gave each of you a hug. Immediately after he was ushering you to the back to get you fitted. You stood amongst other beautiful girls dressed in gorgeous dresses waiting your turn as he took Mimi first. After about an hour Mimi had been fitted in a gorgeous black gown with an open back. "Mimi you look gorgeous!" You exclaimed as she strutted over to you and Emma. "Girl I feel like a movie star in this dress" Mimi said as she did a full turn for the both of you to admire the dress in all its glory. "Come on Y/N, you're next." Mitsuya said as he held a hand out for you. You eagerly placed yours in his as he walked you over to racks of clothes he had lined up against the back wall. "So I already have a dress in mind for you." He said as he rummaged through the racks. He pulled out a long chiffon dress in a lavender color. 

"Oh wow! That is gorgeous!!" You said as you ran your hands across the fabric

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"Oh wow! That is gorgeous!!" You said as you ran your hands across the fabric. "Isn't it!! I think it would fit your curves nicely and the color would look amazing on you." He said, just as eager as you. You quickly changed into the dress so Mitsuya could do his alterations. "Luckily it doesn't need much done other than to pin it a bit in the back. I knew this was going to be perfect on you." He said as he pulled out some needle and thread and began hand sewing the back up a bit. "I love it Mitsuya. You are so talented." You said, admiring your reflection int he mirror. He was quiet for a few minutes as he tugged and pulled at the fabric in the back. 

"So.......not to be nosey but were you okay the other day when we saw you at Mikey's? He asked. Crap, you were afraid of that. But he wasnt like the rest of the guys. He was so much more considerate and kind, so it didn't bother you that he was bringing it up. "Long story short I was just a little overwhelmed." he put, short and simple. "Okay, understandable. To be honest I was shocked when I saw you. Mikey doesn't keep anyone around that long nor till morning." Mitsuya said, adding in on the same thing everyone else had told you. "Yeah, we got a little trashed so that's why I was there till the next day." You said. "I don't think so. If Mikey didn't want you there he would of made you leave. He let you stay that long cuz he wanted you to stay." Mitsuya said, taking you by surprise. Could that of been true?   You thought. "Possibly. " Was all you could manage to say. You weren't going to hold your breath on that. "Well, if you ever need to talk don't hesitate to pick up the phone. We can go get dinner or just have a glass of wine and chat. Anytime." Mitsuya said as he finished with the back of your dress. "Thanks Mitsuya, I appreciate that." you responded. If anything came out of meeting Mikey it was the friends you gained from it. "Now, my beautiful  friend, let's get you into hair and makeup and ready for this show!!" He said giving you the biggest and genuine smile. 

Before you knew it, it was 25 minutes till 5pm and Mitsuya was herding all his  models to the main floor. There were tables everywhere with foods on them and tables to sit at. There were 3 bartenders as well as a DJ. Mitsuya said that he had a lot of big names coming and was expecting upwards of 200 + people that would be attending the event. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Even though all you really had to do was walk around and look pretty you felt so much pressure. Mitsuya gave you all a quick pep talk before venturing off to start letting in guests. 

Within minutes the venue was packed. You were constantly being stopped for people to admire your dress as well as you. "You know, if you are still trying to get over the whole Mikey situation I'm sure we can find you someone here." Mimi said as the two of you stood near the bar. "I mean you never know." You laughed, even though you were in no way ready for another man in your life. You suddenly noticed Emma making a bee line across the floor to where you and Mimi were. "Woah where's the fire?" Mimi asked as Emma was almost mid sprint. Without a word she grabbed you by the arm and began dragging you further away from the middle of the floor. "hey, hey Emma, what is wrong? What are you doing?" You said as she finally let your arm go. "Don't freak out okay." Emma said calmly "Freak out? Why would I freak out." You asked, a little confused at what she was talking about. She just stared at you, almost like she was too nervous to say. You noticed that she kept looking over your shoulder though. You slowly turned around to follow her gaze. There he was, Mikey.


It's me again!! Enjoying these multiple chapters days apart? lol. We are so close to some major parts and what I would consider like a season finale that I can't stop writing!! I hope you enjoy!! Now excuse me while I go binge write the next few chapters!

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