Season 2: Chapter 5

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"I hope you know I'm not going to be able to sleep as long as you and them are under the same roof." Kaede stated as he walked with you down the hallway to your room."Kaede I will be fine. You act like they are going to knock down my door and seize me." You chuckled. "Not 'they" just 'him'." He said, pointing out once again his distrust in Mikey. "Look, if it makes you feel better I will lock my door. Will that help?" You offered the suggestion to try and ease your friend's mind. "I guess. I'll still be stopping by to check throughout the night." Kaede said, maybe giving him and Kenji access to keys wasn't a good idea. You laughed at him, amused by his worrying. "Also, have a talk with Kenji. You know he is on Pitbull mode right now with Toman here. I don't want him getting an attitude with anyone or doing something out of impulse." You said as you reached your bedroom door. "I will. I'm sure he will be making rounds with me as well. He is just as irritated about this arrangement for tonight." Kaede said as he opened your door for you. "Don't stress it. I know you two are worried for me but be assured that if I felt at all in the slightest threatened or fearful of my safety they would not be here." You admired how loyal Kaede and Kenji were to you. Always looking out for you and keeping you safe over the years. You couldn't of asked for a better team. "I guess. Well, sleep well tonight Y/N." Kaede said as you walked in to the room. "Good night to you as well Kaede." You replied as you shut the door behind you. "Make sure you lock it." You heard him mumble from behind the door as he walked away. You laughed as you did as he said and locked the door.

 You laughed as you did as he said and locked the door

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You were so excited to be back in your room. You enjoyed being around people but you were an introvert at heart and your time alone was your favorite. Duke came running around the corner as you entered the bedroom. "Hello handsome! Were you out on the balcony?" You said as you bent down to rub his soft head. He whined with excitement as he enjoyed the love. You patted him on the head before standing up and making your way to the shower. You peeled the black swimsuit off and tossed it in the hamper before opening the glass shower door. The water was warm as it ran down your skin. It was so relaxing, calming you down almost as if it was washing away every worry you had. You stood there for about 10 minutes before you ever started washing your hair, just enjoying the warmth of the water. After about 25 minutes you managed to wrap up your shower.

Exiting the shower and grabbing your white robe from the hanger you towel dried your hair then headed back to the main entry way of your room. Located on the wall was a shelf with a few bottles of wine. Since you no longer engaged in drinking liquor, wine had became your main drink every night before bed. You selected a bottle from the shelf and poured you a glass. You took a sip before retreating back to the bedroom where you grabbed the latest book you were reading from your night stand and then ventured to the balcony outside of your bedroom. The wind from the ocean hit you as soon as you walked out. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore like music to your ears. The night sky was full of stars. Stars you couldn't see from the city. The moon created a soft glow on the water, painting a bluish glow across the water. It was like heaven. You sat down in your usual lounge chair, laying back on the soft cushions. You placed the glass of wine on the small table next to you and cracked your book open to the last chapter you had stopped on, the balcony lights that hung around the railings illuminating the pages. What a perfect ending to your night.

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