Note from Author

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Hi Everyone! 

It's been a while hasn't it! How have you been?

I just want to say that I'm really sorry for disappearing without a word, I know I had a lot of you worried.

I have had a roller coaster year, and I was going through some stuff in my life (health, work, studies etc.) when I stopped posting or coming online.

I had to make some tough decisions to prioritize my real life, and one of them was to put my social life on the back burner, which unfortunately included my virtual life as well, even though it is so damn important to me!

But I'm sure most of you will relate when I say that I suck at juggling things sometimes, especially if it means doing a 100 things poorly. So I decided to duck my head and just focus on one thing at a time.

I'm happy to say that the one thing that has been my priority for the last year has turned out surprisingly well, and that means that more even bigger life changes are ahead of me, including moving to another country.

Now that I know that I will once again become extremely busy with stuff sometime in July, I want to try and complete the story by then, even though I'm not sure if it's possible at all.

Now, about the story -

Please believe me when I say that I have sincerely been wanting to write again. Possible lines and scenes that should be in the story kept coming to me in moments of solitude during my hiatus, but I just wasn't in the state of mind to write.

One of the reasons was also that I realized that I had made it a bit of a snooze fest towards the end, where I left off (chapter 15-17 definitely and maybe even a few more) and so it has been a real struggle to resume writing now that I do have some time on my hands.

But I really want to finish this story, because at this point it's an itch in my mind and an ache in my heart, and I just want to get it out of me asap.

So please excuse me if the writing is bad, if it's not as poetic as I was trying to make it before, I will now only focus on progressing the plot quickly. I think it might serve as some closure for you and I both, even if it isn't as nice of a reading experience.

For all those who will come back to continue reading this story after all this time, I am so so thankful! For all those who hate me, or forgot me, I'm right there with you! I totally understand where you're coming from! I still appreciate every single one of you.

Love you to the moon and back!

- UwU

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