Chapter 21

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"Kat?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Natsu stood there.
"Hi Natsu." I said. "Do you follow me everywhere?"
"No, I just saw you get up and leave. I was worried about where you were going so I came too."
"You don't have to worry. I just couldn't sleep and needed some fresh air."
"Yes, how did you know?"
"You were breathing pretty heavily when you woke up and then I heard you tell yourself you weren't afraid."
"You heard that huh?"
"Yeah." He paused. "Why did you say that?" He asked coming to stand beside me.
"It is something my biological Mom used to tell me. She said fear was a demon and by telling myself I wasn't afraid I was slaying the demon."
"What happened? To your parents I mean?"
"The guild you found me with. It was called Black Viper and my Parents used to be members. It was a light guild but then the master died and Rune took over. He was powerful and evil. You made almost everyone in the guild think the way he did with powerful persuasion magic. My parents resisted and they wanted to leave but Rune wouldn't let them."
"Why not?"
"Because they were dragon slayers and powerful ones at that. Rune needed all the people he could get to aid him in his dream which was to resurrect Zeref."
"But that is imposable the guy has been dead for hundreds of years."
"There was a rumour that said he wasn't dead just shut away. He turned that rumour and made himself believe it was real. My Mom held out longer than my Papa did. He didn't see it but he was slowly tuning to the way Rune wanted him to think. They argued about leaving the guild a lot. They knew it was going to be hard but they had spent months coming up with a plan to escape. Then my Papa started saying he didn't want to leave and that Black Viper was there home." I snorted. "Some home that was. Anyway one night my Papa does to the pub and gets drunk after a fight about leaving the guild and when he came back he killed my Mom right in front of me. Once he had done it he seemed to wake up from the trance he was in and when he realised what he had done killed himself."
"And you where still watching."
"So how did you escape?"
"Right after it was done I ran for the mountains. Rune didn't find out what had happened until the next morning and by then I was long gone."
"That's why you are afraid to join Fairy Tail?"
"Yeah, they were trapped with no way out. I don't want that to happen to me even though I know everyone in Fairy Tail would never do something like that. The fear of joining a guild is one demon I have never been able to slay."
"You have overcome the other fears on your own. If you need help with this one I am here to help." I looked at him and before I could stop them i felt hot tears pour from my eyes.
"Thank you Natsu."
"That's okay. Don't cry." Then he pulled me in for a hug. I instantly hugged him back and cried into his scarf. It smelt like him and I liked it. He was warm and I felt safe there in his arms. I couldn't remember the last time I felt safe.
"This scarf, I have never seen you without it. Who gave it to you?"
"It was a present from Igneel. The only thing I have from him. I never take it off. It is the most important thing I own."
"Oh, I see. I wish I had something to remember Annabelinda by..." I trailed off.
"We will find them one day and when we do maybe you could meet Igneel and I could meet Annabelinda." I smiled up at him.
"Yeah I would like that." I paused. "Sometimes I dream about the day she left me. It makes me sad. I just want to know why. She must have had a good reason but why?"
"I know. I wonder the same thing. When we find them we will ask them but until then we can only look forward to the day when we do find them again."
"You know you are full of good advice for a Salamander."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing." I said with a smile as I snuggled into him. I watched as the sun began to rise to the horizon. We sat down on the ground to watch it together Without another word.

I don't know when it happened but when I woke up I found myself outside where I was sat with Natsu as we watched the sun rise early this morning. My back was warm and I felt a hand draped across my waist. Natsu, I screamed in my head. I turned my head as best I could too look at him and saw that he was still fast asleep. He looked peaceful and cute. Wait what was I thinking? Natsu wasn't cute he was Natsu and yet my heart was thumping loudly in my chest and not out of fear this tim, I was smiling like an doit and I was blushing like crazy. What on earth was this? I had never felt this feeling before. It was weird, strange and a little scary. I very well might be falling for Natsu Dragneel...I thought but immanently shook the thought from my mind. Not possible. I nudged him gently trying to wake him up before the others woke up and saw that he were gone. It was still early morning so if we went back now they would hopefully still be asleep and they wouldn't notice our absence. Natsu groaned but didn't wake up so I shook a little harder.
"Come on Natsu get up." I said more to myself than him.
"Kat, what are you waking me up for?"
"We have to get back to the hotel room now." He rubbed his eyes, yawned and sat up. He looked at me with a confused expression.
"Did we fall asleep?" He asked.
"Yes." His cheeks went a deep red colour. "Listen if we get back now the others won't have to know what happened, okay?"
"Yeah, sure." We both stood up and walked to the hotel. Just before we got there Natsu grabbed my hand from behind.
"Kat, I don't want things to be awkward between us now okay? What I did I did because you needed me there with you."
"You mean you knew what you were doing?"
"Yes I laid down beside you but I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"I don't remember lying down."
"That is because you were already asleep."
"Alright fine. Can we just pretend that this never happened?"
"Yeah sure."
"Okay good. Now come on." I said as we walked through the hotel and back to our room where I was happy to see that everybody was still fast asleep.

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