Chapter 36

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Hey guys , I know the picture is from Edolas but this is what Katrina's magic power looks like

Natsu and I charged out of the cellar just as the guards were coming down the stairs. I grabbed Natsu's hand and pulled him the opposite direction.
"But I want to fight them." He said.
"Natsu please we don't have time. We have to help Wendy before it's too late." He understood what I was saying and nodded. Then we began to run down the winding hallway of the dark basement.

"Were are they?" I said angrily. "We have looked everywhere and my nose isn't working."
"Mine isn't either." We turned another corner and I heard loud footsteps behind us. There were loads of guards coming for us and they were all pretty powerful. I could barely stand and in no state to fight. Natsu could take them down but there was no time. I saw a door that looked open. I grabbed Natsu's hand and pulled him inside and closed the door.
"Wait Ka..." I put my hand on his mouth so he was quiet.
"No, there not down here." I heard a man shouted to his comrades, then listened closely as the sound of his footsteps faded into the distance. I slowly took my hand away from Natsu's mouth. I turned around to look at where we were and saw thousands of glass tanks full of a golden light. The light looked really familiar too.
"What is that?" Asked Natsu. Then it clicked.
"It's magic energy. More importantly my magic energy. The energy the have spent all these years collecting from me."
"But I thought you blew this up."
"No, I blew up the machine so that they couldn't collect anymore. This is completely different. Wow, how much energy do they need to power this r system?"
"You produced this much magic energy over 7 years?"
"I guess so..." I said walking over to the closest glass tube. I placed my hand on the glass and the light all came towards me though it couldn't get out of the glass tube. I gasped at the sight. Natsu was beside me and I pulled my hand away and the light went back to floating around the tube like it was before.
"Of course. They planned to give my power to back to my cells when I was in the form of Zeref. That would mean that I could still absorb this."
"So come on let's brake it."
"What?" I said confused by what Natsu said.
"If we break it you will get you power back right?"
"And then they can't use it for resurrecting Zeref. Natsu you are a genius." I said flinging my arms around him happily. I pulled away and saw Natsu was blushing like crazy, I giggled at his bright red face.
"Hey Natsu."
"Can you break the glass tube's for me? I am still pretty weak."
"Oh yeah, of course. That is defiantly something I came do. You stay here." I nodded still smiling. Natsu ran at the closest glass tube.
"Fire dragon's iron fist." He punched it and the glass cracked. It shattered into a thousand pieces. The light shot towards me at high speed, I felt like I was being hit by a lightning bolt. The power of it sent me flying backwards. I hit the wall and when I looked up more light was coming towards me. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, I thought...

It didn't take long for Natsu to break them all. He seemed to really enjoying himself but every bit if light that can towards me hurt. I heard the guards charging in but I was in such intense pain that I could barely move. I heard Natsu fighting them off. Eventually I was able to stand up. I felt so powerful that it was strange for me. I was feeling 7 years of magic power, all at my disposal at the same time. I walked over to were Natsu was fighting off the guards. They all stopped fighting and turned to look at me. They looked really scared.
"What is this?" I heard one of them ask.
"She is like radiating magic energy." Another said. I stopped when I was beside Natsu.
"We need to help Wendy." I told him.
"So mind if I finish this quickly?"
"What no way I can take them."
"I know you can, but I can do it quicker."
"Yeah, that's what you think. I was here fighting them first let me deal with it." I glared at him and he seemed to back down a little.
"Right now I only care about helping Wendy. You don't understand how much pain she will be in right now."
"What should we do?" One of the guards asked the others.
"I'll tell you what you should do. Get out of our way and release our friends from whatever evil cell you are keeping them in."
"Why should we listen to you?" One of them said.
"You should listen to me because I hate this building and everything you people have done to me and my family over the years and now you are attacking other people I care about." I slowly started moving towards them. "If you hurt them anymore I will crush you all like a bug. Plus right now I am more powerful than your tiny mind can comprehend."
" don't scare us." Said one of them. I lifted my hand up and summoned a massive amount of wind. Half of the guards went flying backwards, they hit the wall and were unconscious.
"You really should be scared. Natsu you can take them if you really want but I have business to deal with."
"Aww come on, you just knocked half of them out." I laughed slightly
"Just be grateful I left some of these idiots for you." I began to walk away but then I turned around to face Natsu again. He was watching me closely. "And try not to get too hurt." He smiled at me.
"Yeah, you too." With that I walked away as Natsu charged at the members of Black Viper that were still standing. I had one thing on my mind...defeat Hamish once and for all.

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