A Terrible Storm is Coming

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My door slams open, "Come on, we talked about this!" Steve wails, then looks down at Max and El, wide eyed.

"Do you know how to knock?!" Max rolls her eyes, and shuts the magazine that she was reading.

"Geez!" I groan, and stand up to close the door.

"I'm sorry- I thought-.." He looks surprised but somewhat happy about this.

El shrugs and stares blankly at my idiot brother, "Dustin isn't here."

"Y/N dumped his ass, because he lied about his mom's cat." Max nods.

"Oh.. Oh! Oh shit!" Steve rushes out of the room, and goes straight downstairs.

I slam the door shut.

"What's up with him?" Max quirks a brow, and laughs, grabbing her bag and scanning through it.

"He's weird." I shrug quickly, and turn around to face them.

Max grabs a tape out of her bag and grins at El.

"This is going to change your life." She assures El, and slides the tape into the cassette boombox.

🎶Day.. after dayy~ I will walkk.. and I will play~🎶 The echo-ey, yet loud beginning to the song plays.

El scrunches up her nose, "Ew."

I hold up one finger, to tell her to wait. Then El continues looking through her magazine, and looks through the never ending pages.

{Never ending??}

🎶Why can't I get just one kiss? Why can't I get just one kiss? There may be some things that I wouldn't miss. But I look at your pants and I need a kiss.🎶 Max sings along to the music, while dancing around the room.

El nods her head to the beat.

"Ooh! You found Ralph Macchio!" I look over El's shoulder, and grin.

"Ma-Macchio?" She raises a brow and turns to me.

"Yeah, he's the karate kid! He's super hot right? I bet he's a great kisser." I ramble on a little bit, and swoon at the thought of Ralph Macchio. He was probably even hotter in person, I wish I could meet him in person. I would love a chance with someone as good as him.

"Hey, is Mike a good kisser?" Max speaks up, looking at Eleven with a large smile, and a huge amount of curiosity.

"I don't know.. He's my first boyfriend." El giggles and closes the magazine.

"Ex-Boyfriend." Max corrects her, almost immediately, "I bet they're probably wailing in self-pity, crying about how they hope we take them back."

"What if there was a way to see them?" I look to El.

El's face brightens and a grin gets plastered on her face.


"Holy shit is this really gonna work?" Max bounces her leg.

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