Alexander against Miltiades

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Although Alexander had rendered Miltiades blind in his right eye and the badger had rendered him lame in his right hind leg, the Canada lynx was still a force to be reckoned with. The moment Roxana became aware of Miltiades' presence, she stood up and hissed at the approaching usurper.

Even if he was a force to be reckoned with still, Miltiades was cautious. Darius had left a scar upon his countenance, Alexander had blinded him in his right eye, what would Roxana do? Still, she was all that stood between him and his targets, a couple of human infants. It mattered not if his quarry was beast, bird or human, it mattered not if they were fully grown or infants, all that mattered was that they were creatures he could harm for the sake of doing harm.

Growling fiercely, Miltiades swiped at Roxana, missing by two inches. He would not miss again! The Canada lynx prepared another swipe when between him and Roxana, from atop a nearby rock, leapt Alexander and that was the moment Miltiades' expression changed.

Gone was the cruel, vicious expression he typically had. Replaced it was a half-confused, half-afeared countenance. He had left Alexander for dead. He could not still be alive! Looking back and forth, Miltiades wondered if Darius still lived and would appear as well.

He did see Darius, but Miltiades realized all too well that Darius was a spirit. Behind Alexander and Roxana, Darius' apparition did appear, his eyes narrowed at Miltiades.

The Canada lynx found reassurance in the fact that Darius was dead. Thus did his fear leave him and once more he did battle with Alexander, confident that it would be just as quick and brutal as it had been before.

And it was...

For Miltiades.

Half-blind, lame and wounded, Miltiades retreated as people came to see what all the commotion was about. He was confidant that like Alexander he would have another chance.

Alexander did not think so. Though Miltiades had gotten a few hits on him, he was relatively unharmed and he could tell as he followed his wounded opponent that Miltiades was in worse shape than he had been after their first battle.

Making his way to the river, to the crossing point he knew, Miltiades paused to look back at Alexander. Growling at the Northern Caracal, the Canada Lynx knew he would get the Defender of Man next time! Yes, he would get him next time and after that he would kill Roxana too! Cnut, Emma, he would even get those two great horned owls and the daughter of the tall man who lived in the big house as well. He would kill them all for his own enjoyment!

Alexander watched as Miltiades continued on to his crossing point, growing weaker and weaker. Eventually, only five feet from the shallow water, the Canada lynx fell to the ground. Narrowing his eyes and lowering his ears a bit, Alexander watched, wondering if it was true or if this was some trick of Miltiades. It was only when a crow flew down and landed upon Miltiades that Alexander realized what the case was.

Miltiades' reign of terror was over. Darius was avenged. Peace had returned to Quebec Castle.

His eyes returning to their usual state and his ears raising, Alexander turned, the sunlight of that fine fall morning falling upon him through the trees. Standing there before him was Captain Smith, smiling at him proudly.

"My Defender of Man..." he said. "Come, let us return to Quebec Castle. The wedding is nearly upon us, my Alexander."

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