Chapter One

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Clay stared at a flyer in the lunchroom. "Join the Debate Team" was written across in large letters. He didn't even know the school had a debate team. The blonde looked around at the other debate flyers posted around the room and the lack of people interested in them. Clay wasn't interested in anything that had to do with school. He was willing to do enough to get a passing grade but that was about it.

"Whatcha looking at?" Clay jumped and turned around in surprise. Sapnap stood behind him, smiling innocently. Clay rolled his eyes. His friend was not innocent.

"Shit, Sap, you startled me," Clay laughed, playfully shoving his friend.

"I gotta keep you on your toes. You gonna be playing tonight?" Sapnap asked. Clay, Sap, and Quackity played Minecraft religiously. They would stay up all night playing, even on school nights.

"Obviously," Clay replied. He glanced back at the flyer and scoffed. He wouldn't even have time for a commitment like that. The blonde put all of his energy into gaming.

Sap looked at the flyer and raised an eyebrow. "Debate? Isn't that something for nerds and try-hards?"

Clay let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I guess so." Neither of them had any hobbies or interests besides video games. But they were just fine with that.

Sapnap looked between the blonde and the flyer, a smirk appearing on his face. "You should join."

Clay looked at Sap in confusion. "Yeah, I don't think so," he said, immediately rejecting the idea.

"Why not?" Sap asked, still grinning. "It'd be funny."

"How?" the blonde asked, doubtful. As far as he knew, debate was just arguing and Clay experienced enough of that at home.

"I mean, if it's a school club, they can't stop you from attending, right? So imagine how upset the nerds would be when someone like you," he gestured to Clay, "messes with something of theirs," he said, pointing to the flyer.

"I don't know Sap," Clay said, looking back at the flyer. "Sounds like a lot of work."

"What? Are you scared?" Sapnap challenged with a grin.

Clay turned to his raven haired friend, smiling. "Never."


George sat in the crowded room, laying his head down on the desk. He made the mistake of staying up way too late playing video games with his friend. And now the brunette could barely keep his eyes open.

The people around him were discussing the upcoming debate tournament and the different events they would compete in. George was planning on doing either congress or public forum, but he'd need to find a partner for the latter. He could ask Karl but his fluffy haired friend was more interested in Lincoln Douglas. And Bad always participated in congress, guiding the newbies through the event and leading the group.

George lifted his head to see if they had decided on what they were doing for practice. Bad, the team captain, exchanged a few words with the coach before turning to the team. "Alright, we're going to do a mock congress today to practice with the winter bills." Everyone around him nodded in understanding and began to prepare their speeches.

"Okay do we have any nominees for chair?" Bad asked, starting the process for congress.

"I nominate Representative Davidson." Karl said, smiling at his friend. George glared at the boy with over exaggerated hatred. Karl knew he hated being chair.

"I nominate Bad." George retorted.

Bad paused for a few seconds to allow any other nominations. "Alright, we'll have each of the nominees give a ten second speech about why they should be chair. George, you start."

George stood up and nodded to Bad. The raven haired boy began counting the ten seconds on his fingers, holding up all ten and slowly lowering them one at a time. "I shouldn't be chair. Vote for Bad," George said before sitting down. Several snickers could be heard around the room and Bad just rolled his eyes.

Bad began his speech and George began to count down, in the same way Bad had. "With me as your chair, I will be efficient and try to get through as many bills as possible. I run an open house and I want us all to have a little fun," Bad said and sat down.

"Only a little fun?" Karl whispered to George, the brunettes giggling.

Bad cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "All those in favor of Representative Davidson, raise your hands."

Karl, and only Karl, raised his hand.

"One for George. And all those in favor of Representative Halo, please raise your hands." The rest of the room, including George and Bad, raised their hands. "Seventeen for me. I have majority, so let's continue." Bad began the process for choosing a docket.

George turned to Karl. "There are a lot of people here. I guess the flyers worked." Eighteen people was pretty good compared to their usual six.

"Sorta," Karl, "most of them aren't cut out for it. They're going to try it out, decide it isn't for them and leave. We'll get a few people who are actually interesting. But the rest are just fucking lazy."

"Language," Bad called out, his back to the duo. Karl and George giggled quietly.

Bad had finished writing the docket on the board. He waited for someone to make a motion but Karl and George refused to do so, deciding to give the others a chance

Wilbur spoke up, "Motion to open congressional debate on A Bill to Raise the Federal Minimum Wage."

"Second," Tommy, Tubbo, George, and Karl said in unison.

"Alright, all those with a speech in affirmation, please stand at the hit of my gavel." Bad went to tap his gavel, but was interrupted by the opening of a door.

George looked over. A tall boy with dirty blonde hair and a face full of freckles stood at the door, whispering with someone to the right. The boy turned his attention to the room and chuckled, "Sorry, am I late? This is the debate team, right?" George rolled his eyes. Not this guy.


hiya, i hope you enjoyed the first  chapter. i'm sorry if it's bad. this is my first time writing a fanfic

i hope you have a nice day! eat lots of food and stay hydrated!

i'm going to be updating this story on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays (as well as bonus updates if I happen to be super motivated)! 

and if you guys could vote, follow or share this story with your friends, that would be much appreciated :D

if this story does well, i might do dnf oneshot requests afterwards

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