Chapter Five

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After getting home, Clay logged onto his PC. He put on his headphones and pressed the call button for Gogy. The discord ringing sound played until he heard a ding that meant his call had been answered.

"Gogy!" he screamed

"Dream!" Gogy screamed back.

"Wanna play bedwars?" Clay asked, hopeful that the boy wouldn't blow him off like Clay had yesterday.

"Sure," Gogy said.

As the two began to load the game, Clay decided to take a chance. "Anything interesting happen at school today?" He hoped Gogy would tell him something, anything, that could help Clay learn more about his crush. Maybe the boy was willing to be more open now?

"Yeah, actually," Gogy responded, "I got the perfect idea for my revenge plan on a guy that I hate."

Clay laughed, feeling very confused. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh I haven't told you about him yet? Some annoying sophomore joined my club and acted all friendly towards me, even though he was a jerk to me a year ago."

"Really?" Clay said, with sympathy. "That guy sounds like a dick."

"Trust me, he is," the boy responded.

Clay attempted to take it further, "So you're in a club? Does that mean you're really studious?" He hoped he didn't come off as weird or creepy.

"Are you trying to get me to talk about myself, Dream?"

Clay's heart started beating faster and he could feel his face getting hotter. "I uh- no, I mean, not that I would be opposed to it, I was just wondering, but I mean, uh, it's totally cool if you're uncomfortable, because I, uh-" Clay stopped his rambling at the sound of Gogy laughing.

Clay froze in place from surprise. Gogy wasn't just giggling or snickering at him. He sounded like he was laughing so hard, he was on the verge of tears. Clay didn't think he'd ever heard Gogy laugh like that. But it was incredible, heavenly even. Clay wished he'd been recording their conversation so he could listen to Gogy's laughter on repeat. And he could listen for hours. God, he loved this boy.

He waited for a minute while Gogy calmed down from his laughing fit. Clay could hear him taking deep breaths and gasping for air. Just when Clay thought the boy would be fine, he started giggling again.

"Any day now," Clay said, acting like he was annoyed.

"Sorry," Gogy said in between wheezing breaths, "It's just," he giggled in between his words, "that was so cute."

Clay's heart skipped a beat and he could feel his face flushing. Gogy thought he was cute? He covered his face with his hands and had to mentally tell himself to not scream out of happiness. Maybe he had a chance with Gogy. Maybe he could pursue the boy. Maybe Gogy already liked him back.

"You weren't weirded out by my sudden interrogation?" Clay asked quietly, not wanting to push further than was welcome.

"No? What gave you that idea?" Gogy said.

Clay let out a small sigh of relief. "I don't know," he said, not wanting to stress Gogy out with their unfortunate interaction a year ago. "I guess I just stressed myself out about it,"

There was a short moment of silence from his crush that made Clay wonder if something was wrong.

"I actually wanted to know more about you too," Gogy said quietly. "I was hoping you'd tell me about yourself, but our topics of conversation never strayed far from video games."

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