~ Hotel ~

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Richie directed the two shorter adults inside the inn, "Let's get our shit and get the fuck out of here!" He instructed, rushing as he tried his best to stay calm

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Richie directed the two shorter adults inside the inn, "Let's get our shit and get the fuck out of here!" He instructed, rushing as he tried his best to stay calm. In reality, he'd lost his calm a long time ago. Eddie sighed, patting the stressed man's back. "Jesus Christ, breathe Richie,"  Richie ignored him, bolting for he and Elaine's room.

The woman trailed behind her husband, greeted by him shoving anything he could find in his duffel bag. She slowly walked around the room, still shaken up from the news earlier. She sat down on the edge of the bed, putting her head in her hands. Everything was blurry, so much had happened in the last few days. "You got everything?" He asked his wife, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I think you got it all," She smiled shyly as she looked at her feet. Richie stopped, noticing her odd behaviour. "What's wrong?" He dropped his things, walking over to sit beside her. She shrugged, holding back tears. Richie realized he was going too fast for her, she was still processing Pennywise being back and now Stan dead. He wrapped both his arms around her and kissed her temple, "I'm sorry about Stanley, honey,"

"It's not your fault," She snuffled, hugging him tightly. "I know you two were close growing up," Elaine smiled softly at the memories, "So were you guys," "Yeah, but not like you two," Elaine let out a breathy laugh, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "You ready to go now?" He asked her, letting her fix her hair and face in the mirror. Not that she needed it, but she was a model after all.

She nodded, sliding her red heels back on. "God, I love you." Richie sighed. "I love you," She blushed, opening the door for her husband. Richie balanced their bags in his arms, making his way down the stairs towards Ben and Beverly at the bar. "Whatever you guys are talking about, make it quick 'cause we gotta go," He informed, tapping on his watch.

"Eduardo, andale, let's go!" He yelled up the stairs of the Inn. "You knew about Stan, you knew!" Ben spoke loudly. Elaine and Richie turned to him, not sure about the words that just escaped his lips. Beverly ran a hand through her red hair and looked down. Elaine turned to Bev, "You knew about Stan?" "I can't do this." Beverly continued, scrambling to find her car keys.

"She knew how Stanley was going to die, is that what he just said?" Richie asked Elaine, his head also reeling. Ben followed after the woman, mumbling an apology as he tried to get her to elaborate. Beverly snapped, "Because I saw it! I've seen all of us die!" Eddie dragged his bags behind him, dropping them by Richie's feet. "Alright, so I just gotta go grab my toiletry bag, and then we can go." He smiled, clapping both his hands together.

Elaine and Richie both turned to him, their expressions shocked and slightly frightened. "What'd I miss?" He asked confused. The five sat by the bar, Eddie pacing around them. "Okay, so what do you mean you've seen all of us die?" He asked anxiously awaiting answers. "Yeah, cause, I gotta be honest, that's a pretty fucked up thing to just drop on someone," Richie nodded, kicking his feet up on a small table.

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