~ Back to the quarry ~

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Elaine and the remaining members of the group followed Richie closely through the brush, finally reaching the cliff that stood before the deep gorge of the quarry

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Elaine and the remaining members of the group followed Richie closely through the brush, finally reaching the cliff that stood before the deep gorge of the quarry. The water was still and dark, just like it'd been all those years ago. Peering over the edge, Elaine gulped as it still had the same effect on her. She recalled the fun times she'd had here. The many picnics with Richie and the day trips with the Losers. Stanley's shreaks while he jumped into the depths and Eddie's complaining coughs when someone splashed him.

The only difference this time despite the number of people standing on the cliff was the sound. All that could be heard this time were the trees swaying with the occasional chirp of a bird. There were no laughing or giggling children in the water. It was just quiet. Empty. Richie was the first to jump, still fully clothed, he plunged into the cold water without letting out a peep. Elaine inhaled a sharp breath, her hands shaking as she watched her husband paddle to the shore. She couldn't let him go all alone. The old Elaine would've never done this. She was not the type to go first in anything. The Losers knew that, especially Richie.

Her whole life she'd been shy, cautious and scared. It was not necessarily a good combo. She didn't strike anybody as courageous or brave, even though that's all she'd ever been from the start. Elaine cursed at herself, god what was she thinking? She could get hurt, it was a very high jump. What if she landed weirdly or got caught on something? So many things could go wrong. The woman shook her head, snapping out of it. Richie would've done it for her. God, Richie would do fucking anything for her. If anyone had been there for Elaine in time of need, it was Richie.

After Chris's suicide or the trauma imposed on her by Pennywise, Richie was the one who'd held her hand at night through all the awful nightmares that haunted her mind. In high school, when her parents would argue for nights on end, Richie would be the one to welcome her into his room, allowing her to stay for as long as she needed. After they'd graduated, they'd struggled for a while, but even in the tiniest of apartments, the love he showed Elaine was incomparable to anything she'd ever experienced before.

Anytime Elaine ever felt meaningless, he gave her a purpose. When she felt invisible, he made sure to see her. When she was ignored, he heard her. When she was alone, he held her. But more importantly, when she felt forgotten he remembered her and he ensured he loved her. Even during the hardest moments, when she'd had several miscarriages and struggled with infertility, he never gave up on her. She would lay in bed for weeks on end without any reason to keep going. He'd ended up being her reason every single time.

When she felt weak, he was the one who stayed strong. When she was sick, he nursed her back to health. Right now was Richie's moment of need, his need for Elaine. Sure, she'd tried to be there for him when he needed her but she wasn't nearly as present as he was for her. She'd been used to being the one who was comforted, not the one who did the comforting. Knowing it was her turn, Elaine undid her white blouse, though it looked more brown now. She threw it to the side, revealing a lace white bra, untouched by any dirt or grime that was seen on her cut-up skin and nasty clothes.

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