~ Trick ~

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Losing her temper, Elaine ditched her red heels once and for all by chucking them against the stone hill

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Losing her temper, Elaine ditched her red heels once and for all by chucking them against the stone hill. She swore angrily under her breath as she began to make her way through the different tunnels, stepping on one too many pebbles on her way. Her fall had shattered her flashlight so it was far too dark for her to even notice them by her feet. Each path she took seemed identical, like a maze. Elaine would call for help every so often, her voice echoing in the nothingness.

"Richie!" She shouted, holding back the tears in her weary eyes. She huffed, what was she thinking calling for him, he was the one who'd put her in this position. Elaine started to lose hope, kicking some stones on the ground with her bare feet. God knows how long she'd been doing this for. She couldn't even bring herself to imagine how idiotic she looked right now. Her mind drifted, Janice would not be happy with her current state.

However, that was beside the point. Janice would never see her again if she died unattended in this cave. As a matter of fact, nobody would ever see Elaine again if she died alone in this cave. she groaned at the thought of dying in here. "Rich!" She continued, navigating her way through the different caves. "Why... Why did you do this?!" Sure, he had good intentions but now she was left here stranded, cold and alone. "Please!" She gulped, starting to shiver.

She yelled louder than before, "Richie you fucking-"  Elaine jumped to cover her mouth. Some strange wave of fury had washed over her, pursuing her to think horrible things, even about Richie. "I'm sorry!" She yelled out, begging for forgiveness within her own body. Her hand was still placed firmly over her mouth, almost as if she was hiding it from her husband who wasn't even there.

Her knees collapsed beneath her weight, sending her crumbling on the floor. Her tears fell against the cold dirt, "I'm sorry -I didn't mean to!" She hiccuped, still crying to herself. Elaine knew that Richie had only been trying to protect her and she would've probably done the same if she'd been put in the same circumstances. "I-I love you," She wailed, sitting against the cold hard rock. She sat there for a while, crying into her hands like a young child.

"I'm sorry," She repeated to herself, jerking up when she suddenly heard someone's familiar voice. Hearing it come from the opposite end of the tunnel, Elaine sprung to her feet. "H-Hello?" She called out, her voice cracking while the rest of her body shook in apprehension. "Laine, honey," Richie's voice laughed nervously. Elaine's eyes widened. "Rich?!" Elaine smiled, the idea of this being a trick not crossing her mind. She ran in the direction of her husband's voice, "Are you okay?"

His laugh died down, now sounding a bit skittish. "I'm stuck in here," Elaine sped up her pace, running quicker towards the sound. "Stuck?" She furrowed her brows, confused by what he could possibly mean. Having walked the whole cave, Elaine never noticed a place in which someone could be stuck. "Please hurry, Lainey!" He screeched, Elaine growing more tense. "O-Okay, I'm coming," The more she walked, the louder Richie's voice got. "Lainey, he's coming!" His voice suddenly boomed, evidently terrified.

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