Chapter 20

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Brief from Chapter 18... Last Time..

(Meanwhile, far away from the protectors of Ninjago…

“You will never get away with this, they will figure it out!” a gentle yet raspy voice broke the atmosphere of the small cell. 

“Oh but I already have and by the way you two will be having a new cell mate joining you”

“Oh god, what have you done now?”

The door to the cell opens quite violently before a figure stumbles in weakly landing on the floor. The figure quickly gets up once the door shuts, the figure is met by two individuals staring at them. 


“Cryptor? Morro?”

A scream of pure pain from beyond the door changed the atmosphere all together, Neuro turned back to the Storm brothers who had some explaining to do.

Morro chuckled at the master of mind’s face before uttering a few words which sent shivers through Neuro’s body, “Welcome to the forgotten fear torture realm”.

Cryptor stumbled forward just in time to catch Neuro while Morro frowned before finding a tracking mark on Neuro’s shoulder. Morro shared an identical smirk with Cryptor. It was time, they would get out of here and Neuro was the key because he had the unbreakable connection to the one and only Shade Storm).


Neuro looked at the brothers in disbelief, they were not dead. It turns out the dark magic was corrupted by the King and it would make their body fade almost like it had died but instead it was transported to ‘the forgotten fear torture realm’ or in other words the Terra Kingdom’s dungeon. Morro amusingly watched his brother in law think about what had just been explained to him. 

“So how did you ‘die’?” Morro asked, emphasising with quotation marks when he mentioned the word ‘die’. Neuro rolled his eyes at the eldest Storm brother, “I saved Kai”. Cryptor nodded from his spot against the wall, he had his hood on since his mask was cracked and currently in Morro’s hands. The said master of wind asked “Why?”. Neuro frowned before smirking at Morro’s humorous response. Neuro shrugged but the movement sent him into an intense coughing fit. Neuro doubled over coughing and wheezing, he felt the brothers appear on either side. Cryptor was rubbing his back while Morro matched his breathing.

Once it passed, Morro spotted something on Neuro’s hand. He let out a surprised “oh!”. Neuro watched Morro’s face change to anger, he grabbed Neuro by the shoulders making him twist to face him. 

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Morro exclaimed while gesturing to himself and Cryptor who had moved off the wall and further towards the two of them. Neuro looked down before replying, “Not many people know and it will stay that way”. Cryptor stepped in between the two knowing the master of mind in this state could destroy one's mind without touching them. Morro took the hit of Cryptor but remained standing where he was. “Neuro, at least tell us when it started?”. Cryptors gentle voice reached the master of mind’s muffled ears. Neuro turned to face the two whose eyes had a range of concern and worry in them. Neuro sighed and answered, “I got diagnosed after Ash was born and it got worse after Maddie. Look I appreciate your concern but…”. Neuro was caught off guard when two sets of arms pulled him into a warmth like no other, he felt an arm tighten around him as it pulled him into two strong chests. Tears slipped down his face involuntarily and shortly after his shoulders shook with the sobs emitting from him.

Neuro had kept this secret to himself for years and Shade was the first to know. He had faced the reality of the struggles with his partner and sadly he wasn’t here to comfort him. Instead, Shade’s brothers were here to help in any way they could. Cryptor was the first to pull away almost to claim his dignity and his proudness. Morro smirked at his twin's behaviour but continued to reassure the master of mind through the hug they shared. 

The hug broke when heavy footsteps pounded down the stairs. Morro put himself in between the cell door and his brother plus Neuro. Cryptor moved off the wall and in front of Neuro. The jingling of keys made the storm brothers frown but that shortly made their frown turn upside down when they saw who was in front of them.

“I heard you needed rescuing?” a cheerful voice broke the silence of the room followed by a figure dressed in faded orange. 

“It’s about time!” Morro replied while smirking at the figure in front of them. 

“Move out of the way, Wind!” the figure replied. Morro did just that, revealing his brother and Neuro. 

“Crypt it’s so good to see you” the figure replied, “Stand back!” a burst of orange hit the cell door.

Cryptor nodded. The door sprung open falling off its hinges, it fell to the floor with a thud. The figure pulled down their hood to reveal a young woman about Cryptor’s age. “Oh you have most certainly grown like the flower you are” Morro teased. “Shut up, do you have nothing else to do Morro?”. Morro shook his head before turning away from his brother who was currently occupied as one could say with the young woman. 

A hand on Morro’s arm snapped his attention to Neuro who asked, “Who’s that?”. Morro smirked, “That my dear brother in law is Cryptors wife Saffron”. Neuro smiled ignoring Morro’s look, obviously the master of wind tried to catch the master of mind of guard but he had forgotten about one thing. Neuro was married to Shade and there were no secrets between them. 

Morro tapped Saffron’s shoulder to break the kissing apart. Thank god he had quick reflexes as this woman had quite a bite in the way she spoke or attacked. “What Morro?” Saffron said from adjusting Cryptors new mask. “So are we going to sit around all day and watch you two kiss or go rescue Zane?”. Saffron shook her head at her brother in law's behaviour, she mocked his face. As a result he grabbed his chest, faking his heart had been ripped out of his chest. Cryptor chuckled at their behaviour before gesturing for them to get a move on while grabbing Saffron’s hand in his own. 

The group slowly made their way out of the dungeon, up the stairs and out of the Terra Kingdom. Neuro walked next to Morro listening to the banter of the family he married into. Morro gave one tease which almost got them caught and thrown back into the dungeon if it weren’t for Cryptors quick thinking. 

“Woo Woo, makeout train is leaving the station!” Morro yelled, listening to his voice echo around the empty hallway confusing any guards standing post. It was followed by a sharp “OW!” as the group escaped over the walls of the Terra’s Palace. Neuro chuckled accepting Cryptors help over the wall, once the two landed they came to the view of Saffron viciously beating Morro since he almost got them caught several times on purpose. 

Once they were clear of the kingdom and back on their own turf. Did they really see the damage of their home, their citizens were being attacked and robbed by guards of the Terra Kingdom while the Storm guards battled for power. The forcefield still held but what concerned the Storm brothers the most was the several cracks within the field. It told them that Zane was still alive since the Storm Kingdom was still living, the problem was the colours were fading which meant they had little time left to get Zane on the throne before sunset which was 24 hours away. 

A familiar cry of ‘LIGHTNING’ followed by lightning hitting the ground in front of them reminded Morro that the protectors of Ninjago had arrived. Even though they were chaotic and left quite a bit of destruction, they were Zane’s only hope.

Morro smirked to himself before sending the biggest wave of wind he could muster to hopefully startle the ninja in front of them as well as the Terra guards that were currently battling the ninja and hopelessly losing against. 

Shorter Chapter but there is a reason for that! The next few are quite long. This book will probably have 30 chapters and the I may write a sequel depends on what you guys think of the ending.
Thank you for the votes and comments. I like hearing what people think and what input they could have on the characters.
Saffron and Maddie are oc's but they will not be taking over the story. I have not forgotten but this is Zane and Cole's story.
The next chapter will be the ninja's journey to the realm and go from there...
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