Chapter 8

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Last Time...

Cole pulled himself out of his memories when he looked down at Zane who smiled at him. It wasn’t until now that Cole realised Zane was smaller than him. Cole was 6 foot 1 while Zane was 5 foot 7, well his real self not his nindroid. Cole liked it. He swiftly guided Zane across the ballroom floor aware of the whistles from Lloyd and Morro while Cryptor worked next to the record player. It was days like this Cole loved especially being around his family.


A month later…

Dancing became a regular thing for Zane and Cole. The two used it to effectively communicate with one another’s body language. Lloyd had been sent out on a mission to deliver a scroll to the ninja. Cole refused to leave Zane’s side especially since the youngest prince was overly stressed with nothing going right at the moment. The young prince was going to be a king soon and his brothers were trying to teach him everything he needed to know since the lack of parents was obvious. The ‘parents’ topic was still a sore subject, Zane said he would explain it to Cole but he needs time. Morro had told Cole that their parents leaving majorly affected Zane the most.

Zane was busy with Cryptor one morning and Lloyd was still out, so Cole asked Morro to join him on a personal mission. “Morro, I have to ask you something”. The older man was currently cleaning his swords, so it made him more intimidating. “Yeah Cole”. The two had been living with each other for a few months and quite liked each other’s company. Cryptor chose to walk into the room with some more polish for Morro when Cole asked the question.

“Morro, can I have your permission to ask for Zane’s hand in marriage?”. Morro stopped what he was doing while Cryptor dropped the polish to the floor with a thud. Cole felt like dying at the moment in time when Morro and Cryptor made their way to be in his direct view. For what felt like 20 minutes but was actually 2 minutes Cole kept eye contact with the brothers. The silence became bearable once again when Cryptor smirked and Morro laughed. “It’s about time!” Morro exclaimed before pulling Cole into a hug. Cole sighed in relief when Cryptor answered his question that his brother had bluntly ignored. “Yes. Cole we give you permission but if you hurt Zane…”. Cryptor held up an arm with one of the swords while Morro grabbed the other. Cole gulped when Morro continued, “If you hurt Zane, god help me. You will never see us coming. Nobody will ever find your body after we make your life like hell for years to come, you will live in fear everyday of your pathetic life and…”. The doors to the room suddenly slammed open to reveal Lloyd. “Cole! Come quick!”. The boy then took off, the three of the room rushed after him. 

Following Lloyd into the living room, the three stopped in their tracks to see a figure holding up Zane by his throat, the room was a mess. Furniture was turned over, glass on the floor and their were a few burn marks by the looks of it on the walls. Morro shoved past those in the doorway and threw the figure off Zane. Who crumbled to the floor gasping in pain, Cole ran straight for Zane pulling him into his chest. Lloyd helped Cole with Zane while the brothers dealt with the intruder. 

“Who are you?” Morro questioned, anger in his tone.

The Intruder chuckled at the two brothers trying to get a glimpse of those behind the brothers wall. Cryptor gripped Morro’s arm discreetly to stop himself from launching at the figure in front of him. “Why, dear brother, it seems you have already forgotten about me?”. Morro froze at the sound of the voice, Cryptor tightened his grip on his twin. Cole stood up when he saw the flinch between the two older brothers, placing himself in front of both Zane and Lloyd. He recognised that voice but he didn’t know where from, sharing a look with Lloyd who seemed to be in the same spot as him. Lloyd came to a standing next to Cole, the two shielding Zane who was still recovering from the last attack.

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