Fake girlfriend (part 1)

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Danny walked through the highschool hallways with his best friend, Zack as they both made their way to their lockers. Danny was already sighing when he reached his locker, retrieving a math textbook out of it before slamming it shut.

"What am I gonna do?" he wondered aloud, desperation seeping into his voice.

"About what?" Zack cluelessly questioned, just now looking up from his phone which he had been staring at.

"About my stupid grades. I'm apparently falling behind in math, and my mom says if I don't get my grades up soon, she's not gonna let me go anywhere besides school until I do." Danny let out another frustrated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. "I need to find someone to help me study or something." he added.

"Sorry bro. I wish I could help you out with that, but you know I suck at math just like you do." Zack replied with a chuckle.

Danny would've replied, but he was now distracted by looking over at Sasha, who was talking with some guy a little ways down the hall.

Sasha was considered one of the cool girls in school, and Danny had always just admired her from afar, not wanting to admit that he was slightly intimidated by her, and also found her attractive. The two of them knew each other well enough though, since they occasionally talked when they crossed paths in the hallways.

He realized that she was walking up to him, an urgent look on her face as she held eye contact with him. "You. I need to talk to you, follow me." she said only loud enough for Danny to hear. But she just grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her before he could even form a reply.

"What are you doing?" he managed to ask her, dropping his textbook in the hall by mistake since she was pulling him so fast. Once they were pretty much out of everyone else's line of sight, Sasha finally stopped and turned to face him.

"So here's the thing, I was talking to my ex-boyfriend earlier. He wants to get back together with me and he just wouldn't leave me alone. It was annoying, so.... I just told him that I have a boyfriend, even though I really don't. And.... Your name might've been mentioned...." she ranted, nervously avoiding his eyes, which Danny found strange since she rarely acted nervous.

"What are you talking about....?" he trailed off warily as she looked up at him.

"I kinda told him that you're my boyfriend." she admitted with a shy smile.

"You what? But I'm- I'm not your-" Danny stammered, but Sasha swiftly interrupted him.

"I know that, genius. But that was all I could think of on the spot. I only said it so I wouldn't look like an idiot, so don't flatter yourself." she said.

Danny rolled his eyes in annoyance before crossing his arms. "Ok, so then what are you telling me this for?"

"Because I need you to keep him thinking that you're my boyfriend." Sasha replied, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Huh? Why do you need me to do that?" he reacted.

"Well apparently the whole story about us dating got around to everyone, because now the whole school is talking about it. And if we don't make it look like it's true then I'll look like a total idiot. And then my ex boyfriend will never leave me alone." Sasha explained, hoping that she didn't sound too crazy. She figured she did though, since Danny was just staring at her blankly as he tried to process her long rant.

He shook his head a little before speaking. "Wait, wait. So let me get this straight. You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend so everyone will think we're dating, and your ex boyfriend will leave you alone?"

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