You read it?

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My boyfriend and I had been together for 3 years now, and had always told each other everything. But it was weird how he seemed to be keeping things from me now, not telling me where he was going when he went to hang out with his friends, and even hiding what he was doing on his phone at times. I didn't understand it one bit and it was starting to get me anxious.

Tonight was the exact same thing. I was over at his house since my friends were out of town for a while and I didn't want to be alone. We were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Well, technically I was now the only one sitting on the couch, since he had excused himself a while ago to go to the bathroom. It was taking extra long for him to get back though, so I decided to go check on him, pausing the movie before standing up and walking down the hall. But when I knocked on the bathroom door, I got no reply.

"Babe?" I called as I walked through the house looking for him. I stopped when I finally saw him sitting in his bedroom as he wrote something out on a sheet of paper. "There you are. I thought you went to the bathroom." I spoke, causing him to jump a little when he saw me standing in the doorway. He instantly turned the paper over, keeping me from seeing whatever it was that he was writing, which just made me even more curious.

"Oh, yeah, I was. Um, I just came in here when I was done." he vaguely said.

"I thought we were watching a movie." I pointed out.

"Oh yeah...." he guiltily trailed off, seeming unsure of what to say.

"What are you writing about?" I asked, walking further into the room, hoping he'd give me some sort of information.

"Nothing." he quickly claimed. But the way his cheeks turned red told me otherwise.

I hated that he was lying to me. He'd never lied to me like this before, so why now? I just had to figure out what was going on.

"Why have you been keeping things from me lately?" I directly asked since I just couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm not." he lied, shaking his head a little.

"Yes you are!" I said with a frustrated sigh, sitting down next to him on the bed. "I mean, you've been going out places and not telling me where. You don't let me look at your phone, and you make sure I never see who you're texting. It's just- we always tell each other everything, so I don't know why you're hiding stuff from me now. You're not.... cheating on me, are you?" I reluctantly asked him, turning my head to face him.

"What? No! Of course I'm not, baby." he reacted, looking hurt that I even asked that.

"Well, why are you being so distant with me?"

Now he was the one letting out a sigh. "Listen, I.... I can't tell you right now, ok? It's complicated." he said, not really answering my question directly.

I stayed quiet for a second, my brain racing. Before he could say anything else, I swiftly snatched the sheet of paper that he had been writing on and stood up from the bed before darting out of the door, hearing him instantly get up to follow me.

"Hey! Give me that back! Stop it!" he called after me, running behind me as I dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door closed before he could get in.

"Let me in, I'm serious! Don't read that paper, please!" I heard him begging as he tried to get the door open, but I had locked it and refused to listen to him. "Baby, please, I'm serious." he pleaded, but I was already looking at what he had wrote. I couldn't stand it anymore, I had to know what he was hiding.

My eyes frantically scanned over the page, but they were soon widening in surprise as I realized what I was reading. It was a bunch of long paragraphs about how in love he is with me, and how much he cares about me. All the sweet words made me wanna cry, but the four words at the end of the page took me completely by surprise.

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