Secret Admirer

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Highschool is a very interesting place. Why is it even called highschool? It should be called drama hub or something like that, because what do people even really learn? Nobody's focused on school work, all they're focused on is the drama that fills the hallways every week. But not me. I've never been the type to keep up with the crazy parties people were hosting, or the new teen power couple of the month or anything like that. Unlike my peers, I did my best to get outstanding grades and just focus on my education. And since I never paid attention to the gossip, that also meant I had no idea that I was what everyone had been talking about this week....

"What's going on?" I cluelessly asked my best friends, Peter and Rebecca when I saw them in the school hallway. "Why's everyone standing near my locker? What are they talking about?" I added, watching as everyone crowded in front of my locker door for some reason, whispering and chatting with each other.

"They're talking about you, Sierra." Rebecca effortlessly replied, making me narrow my eyes in confusion.


"Yeah. Apparently someone's been leaving notes in your locker. Everyone thinks you have a secret admirer." Peter told me.

"Wait, what? How have I not known about that?" I wondered aloud. I did remember seeing random notes in my locker for the past two weeks, but I had always absentmindedly just shoved them back in there without reading them, since I was always trying to hurry to class.

"You mean you haven't read a single one of them?" Rebecca loudly spoke in disbelief, me just shrugging guiltily in response. "Come on. You have to read them all now." she basically demanded, grabbing my hand as she pulled me toward my locker, Peter just trailing behind us.

Next thing I knew, the three of us were sitting in the cafeteria at lunch time, reading my secret admirer notes instead of eating. There were at least twenty notes all together, some that had even been taped onto the outside of my locker.

"These are beautiful...." I trailed off, staring at the detailed paragraphs. "I can't believe someone would say all these nice things about me. Are we actually sure these are for me?" I questioned, starting to second guess this whole thing.

"They say your name, Sierra." Peter stated, an amused expression on his face as he pointed at my name on the small piece of paper that I had sat down on the table.

"Maybe it's for a different Sierra. And someone put these in my locker by mistake? I mean, who would think this highly of me?" I spoke, still in awe as I read over the words again and again.

"A lot of people would. You're awesome. It's not like this is a huge shocker. Lot's of people would wanna be with you." Peter reacted, Rebecca nodding in agreement.

"Yeah. Peter's right. Now we just need to find out who it is. Are you gonna date whoever this mystery guy is?" Rebecca excitedly asked me, nearly bouncing in her seat as I giggled.

"I don't know. I might. But only if he wants to date me." I replied.

Peter and Rebecca exchanged a look with each other before turning to me again. "Clearly he does, Sierra." Peter said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Later that day, when the three of us were walking home from school, we were all engulfed in thoughts about trying to figure out who was leaving these notes.

"It's gonna be so fun figuring this out. It's like a little treasure hunt. Sooo, who do we think it is?" Rebecca enthusiastically asked.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this." I let out a small laugh, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Any ideas, Peter?" I questioned, still holding one of the notes from earlier in my hands, it folded closed so neither of my friends could see it.

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