Truth Serum (Part 2)

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Kyler's pov

"How did it go in here, man? Did something interesting happen?" Tyler asked me, smirking a little, clearly noticing how my face was still crimson.

"Yeah. Something really interesting." I admitted.

"Oh. Things went good in here with you two then?" he assumed, his smirk widening.

"I don't know. I'm kind of confused to be honest." I truthfully replied. Not that I had any other choice, since I was still stuck telling the truth because of the serum.

"What do you mean?"

"I told Lizzy that I have feelings for her." I reacted without thinking. I knew I wouldn't be able to lie even if I tried.

"What? You what? Yes! I knew it! I knew you had feelings for her." Tyler exclaimed as I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he was being. "I can't believe you finally told her. Congratulations, man!" he added, me sighing in frustration.

"I didn't mean to tell her. Trust me, I had every intention of keeping it secret. But we were making a truth serum for our science project and I drank some by mistake, and then next thing I knew we were talking about crushes, and then I just.... said it before I could stop myself." I explained, running my hand through my hair as I felt overwhelmed.

Tyler nodded slowly as he tried to understand all the crazy details of what I just said. "Oh.... ok well that sounds crazy. But hey, at least you finally told her how you feel. What did she say? Does she feel the same way?" he hopefully asked.

"She didn't really get the chance to say anything before you and Jenna came in. And she probably doesn't even feel that way about me. What if I ruined everything? I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. I-" I rambled, just overthinking the whole thing before Tyler cut in.

"Hey, stop worrying, bro. I'm sure she'll give you a reply when she comes back in here, and you didn't make her uncomfortable. I bet she's in love with you too just like you're in love with her. I mean, have you seen the way she looks at you? She probably is surprised and happy that you feel that way about her." he encouragingly said.

A blush rose to my cheeks at the thought of Lizzy possibly being in love with me. I hadn't even used that word yet, but I definitely felt that way about her. "You think she's in love with me?" I shyly asked.

He chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Yeah, it's pretty clear. And I know you're in love with her too." he stated.

I tried to hide my smile as I refrained from replying, not wanting to embarrass myself if the truth serum hadn't worn off yet.

Lizzy's pov

I followed Jenna to the kitchen as my mind raced with thoughts about what Kyler had said. I couldn't believe he told me he had feelings for me. For me? I kept replaying the whole thing in my mind, the way he said it so directly as if it were something completely obvious. The way his cheeks turned a deep shade of red as he spoke, and his expression after he said it. He looked as if he was surprised by his own words, and his eyes stared at me with concern and what looked like guilt, as if he had just committed a crime.

"Lizzy?" Jenna said, getting my attention and pulling me from my jumbled thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, what's up?" I responded.

"Just waiting for you to cut the pizza." she said, pointing at the large pizza box on the table as I realized we were now in the kitchen.

"Oh.... right, sorry. I guess I just kinda zoned out for a second." I vaguely reacted, laughing awkwardly.

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