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Sometimes... Our Nara thinks about the girl he saw when he was a Kid.

He still remembers it.

He was playing with choji and Kiba in the woods so no one could disturb them. Their ball went into the deep forest, no one wanted to go so, he went to take the ball. During searching for the ball he didn't notice how deep he went into the forest.

After taking the ball, he looked around that's when he noticed... He was lost. He looked around Suddenly he heard ruffling from the bushes. He was just 8, he didn't want to die that early. A wolf jumped on him he closed his waiting for the pain but he never felt any. He opened his eyes a little to see the wolf crouching next to a little girl  Who sure was s the wolf of very big and the girl looked young

"Aai!, I told you to not attack innocent people it's wrong! " The girl said in her childish voice

Is she scolding the wolf thought Shikamaru

The wolf whimpered

"Okay I forgive you this time but next time I won't" the wolf jumped on her which scared Shikamaru as he thought that the wolf will kill the little girl

But instead of attacking, the wolf licked her cheek happily and left

Out of nowhere, the girl grabbed his hand and ran in a direction. For Shikamaru, it all was happening in slow motion. As the girl was running while holding Shikamaru's hand, her long silky blonde locks were touching Shikamaru's face. The girl turned her face in his direction. She had Ocean eyes with porcelain skin and 3 adorable whiskers on each cheek.

Shikamaru was so mesmerized by her beauty that he didn't notice when he came out of the deep part of the forest. She left her hand and ran into the forest.

"Wait!" Yelled Shikamaru he wanted to thank her and ask her for her name

"Shikamaru" he turned his direction to the source of the voice, it was choji and Kiba.

"What took you so long," asked Kiba

"We were worried for you," said Choji

He turned his direction again to the forest, where the girl was

Nothing was there


From that day, he never saw that girl again but her thoughts never left his mind.


Okay so, the village thinks that the 4th Hokage died with his wife and newborn baby girl but they don't know that their daughter survived.

Tsunade took the girl with her and took care of her until she was 3, Tsunade left the girl in a deep forest with so many animals that were friends of her.

Tsunade didn't want to leave her alone but she trusted the animals and if someone saw Narumi with her they'll super suspicious of both of them so, she couldn't stay long with her.

Tsunade made sure to check on her every month and fulfill all her essential needs.

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