Chapter 5

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As we were walking, we met his friends

Jake, ni-ki, sunghoon, Jay and heeseung

"guys this is my friend, Jungwon yang!" he introduced me to them

I can see that sunoo and sunghoon were close, too close.

as we were walking and talking Sunoo and Sunghoon were so close with each other, I keep pulling sunoo slowly so he won't notice. to be honest that sunghoon guy seems to have a crush on sunoo


we arrived at the first class and finally sunghoon got away from sunoo since he was older, phew he's finally gone

me and sunoo went in, I was never afraid in entering classes since I've always been president in our school.

I entered with an attitude which I can tell most people found me fierce


i sat beside sunoo since I had no friends there and surprisingly most of the things the teacher was teaching us was.. easy.

I knew all of them already so I had no problem answering her whenever she calls me up, and I noticed sunoo was impressed since it is my first day too

after class

there he was again, sunghoon.

"hyungggg" sunoo ran to them, "let's eat?" since it is already lunch time

we went to the cafeteria but this time sunghoon was fiddling with Jay not sunoo..

hmm, interesting.

I kept an eye to sunghoon but now he's feeding Jay?

what's going on?

the whole lunch went by with Jay and sunghoons sweet moments as if they were dating

"you okay?" sunoo asked me

"oh yes yes sorry" I responded to his sweet melodic voice

when lunch ended and they went back to their building to go to class, I asked sunoo

"are you and sunghoon dating?"

he giggled, "no, HAHHAHA it's Jay and sunghoon who's dating" his eyes squinting as he laughs.

I covered my face with embarrassment

how could this get any worse.

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