nr. 19

7 2 0

The pity person I am, decided to put on a casual swxy outfit, knowing that Jungkook and I were going to fight at some point in the next few days, so I wanted to look my best while I still could.

The pity person I am, decided to put on a casual swxy outfit, knowing that Jungkook and I were going to fight at some point in the next few days, so I wanted to look my best while I still could

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(This outfit and a black coat)

(This is just what the makeup looked like)

I was just finishing up my makeup and then sat down on the couch, looking through my phone while waiting for the hour to pass, so I wouldn't be the first one there

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I was just finishing up my makeup and then sat down on the couch, looking through my phone while waiting for the hour to pass, so I wouldn't be the first one there.

After about 15 minutes, I got a text from my manager...


Don't open the door!

What? Why?

>Someone is gonna knock.
>I need you to lock the door
and don't open it!
>Someone got past your security
and we just called the police.
>Whatever you do, do NOT



The door was already closed, so I ran to the window and closed the blinds and sat back down on the couch.
I was terrified.

If it's him, i'm dead....

After about 30 minutes of dead silence, I was getting annoyed, because there was no one there, and my mansger scared me for nothing, but just as I thought that, I heard some noices from the door.

It sounded like someone was trying to pick the lock.

I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and ran to the bedroom and locked myself in.

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