How to deal with your clingy Kaiju

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(M/N) = Male Name

(L/N) = Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

"..." = Speech

'...' = Thoughts


In this story, there will be swearing (though I will try to keep it to a minimum), sexual content (don't get too excited this is my first time writing that kind of thing). This chapter involves Kaiju not understanding how human society works (You'll see in the flashback). Will be switching between Gojira and Godzilla so don't be confused if the name is suddenly different.

And I should add that there is a lemon in this chapter (again, don't get too excited as it is my first time writing this kind of thing. I'm using my knowledge of the lemons on this site to guide me). There are line breaks before and after the lemon to warn you.

With that said, Enjoy!

5 years later


The alarm clock turned off as a (S/C) hand hit the snooze button. Groaning, a 17 year old male shuffled around on his bed as he slowly woke up.

'Augh, another day, another 8 hours wasted in that hell we call school.' (M/N) silently cursed, why did they have to spend so long in school? Just to get some fancy paper that will probably mean nothing to the real world?

Sighing, there was no use in trying to fight the inevitable, the teen slowly got up from the bed. Only to blink as he realized that there was an extra weight on holding him down.

'Don't tell me' He mentally groaned at the soft feeling behind his back, as he turned his head to see

(Gojira/Godzilla, Queen of the Monsters, and (M/N) wife)

...Yep, honestly why was he still surprise about this after how many years he's been stuck with her?

Sighing (M/N) deadpanned, "Oi Godzilla, wake up I got to go to school."

"Mmmpphhh, nooooo." Godzilla protested as she tightened her grip on her human, causing (M/N) to sigh in exasperation.

"Seriously, almost every freaking day she does this" He muttered.

He stiffened as Godzilla began rubbing her body sensually against his in an attempt to keep him in bed with her.

"Goji stop, I need to get ready." (M/N) groaned, while he would love not to have to go to school. He did not want another incident occurring and nearly having his house destroyed – again.

"I am the Queen of the Monsters and your mate. I do believe that my needs override going to school." Godzilla snapped back "Besides, you don't even like going to school. Why go anyways?"

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