Chapter 4

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Welcome to Chapter 4, aka this lazy author finally updated this story! Sorry for lack of a title, I couldn't think of anything at the moment. This chapter will include the introduction of the Global Defense Force members. And a flashback to their first meeting.

Also, sorry in advance if it feels weird since again, I was having a bit of a hard time figuring out what to write.

Hope you enjoy.




"...Sooo, let me get this straight."

(M/N) started,

"Andrew mom and sister were taken hostage by terrorist nutjob Alan Jonah after Mothra woke up from her however long sleep."

"Yep." Mark answered.

"Then sometimes later," Andrew started (Can't let (M/N) be the only one talking now, can I?) "Godzilla shows up at Castle Bravo, gives you the usual 'What the hell are you doing in my ocean humans?' stare before swimming off somewhere."

"Yeeeeeep" Mark answered his son.

"And you pinpointed her location to one of the coldest places on Earth, which is where we are coincidentally going?"

"Indeed" Serizawa answered this time, sweatdropping at the unamused teens expressions.

(M/N) spoke up once more,

"Which just happens to be Ant-freaking-arctic-unbelievable-ca."


"Which also happens to house a frozen Kaiju, that you refer to as Monster Zero, that is a threat to Godzilla reign as the Kaiju Queen."

"That's the gist of it."

"Okay" The two teens said in a monotonous voice.

"But" (M/N) started, "What I don't understand is WHY these guys are here."

Finishing his sentence, he pointed at the said people in question.

Finishing his sentence, he pointed at the said people in question

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(Akane Yashiro)

(Akane Yashiro)

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