Chapter 5: (M/N) meets Ghidorah, Angry Godzilla, and Unexpected Twists

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Sorry for the long wait. Here is the next chapter of Kaiju Girls x Male Reader. Just to WARN you: There will be cursing, slightly suggestive themes, gore (I'll let you know where) not sure what level it's at.

...I watch too many horror movies.

Also, unexpected help.



Monster Zero roared in triumph at her return.



"Oi!' She said, "10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck."


Cracking her head to the left and to the right, she sighed.

"Much better."

(Get the reference? Also, she was talking in Kaiju speech. So, only Jr. knows what she was saying.)

Back to point.

-Ghidorah POV-


Does it feel good to finally get out of the ice. I swear to the Great One, my body is aching everywhere!

'Ugh, finally out of that wretched prison.'

Ni grumbled, glad to be free at last.

'At last, we're free!'

San shouted loudly through the mental link.

'Hip-hip hooray!'

'Shut it San!'

Ni and I mentally roared at her. For crying out loud, she is too damn loud...and cheerful.

'Aw, Ichi and Ni are so mean!' She pouted.


'I'm hungry, are you hungry?'

'Of course, we're hungry you nitwit! We share the same damn body!'

Ni roared at the dimmer of the three personalities.

'Before we eat these delicious morsels serving themselves up on a silver platter.' I thought to my sisters 'Let me get into contact with our army.'

'Fine. Okie-dokey!'


'Starscream, are you there?'

(No, I didn't put that there by mistake. Yes, it was intentional)

I mentally called Gigan, who picked up the call.

'My Queen!'

'Status report'

'We are approaching the Earth atmosphere and should be arriving shortly.'

'And the things I requested to have brought to me?'

(I explained this in another of my stories. But just in case you didn't read that story I'll explain. Despite being frozen, she could still communicate telepathically with her army.)

'Are all here and ready'

'Good, inform me when you are here.' 'Yes, my Queen'

Cutting off the link, I look at the humans before me in their aircrafts.

Hmph, seems humans have advanced in the time I was frozen.

...How many years has it really been since I was frozen anyways?

Shaking my head, my sisters and I prepared our Gravity Beams.

Questions for another time.

-End Ghidorah POV-

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