Chapter 3: Goodbye Normal Life

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Came the sound of the warning school bell as (M/N) walked into the high school grounds.

'Well, let's see what fresh new hell awaits me today' He mused absentmindedly, before he was suddenly hugged from behind.

"(M/N)! Got your lazy butt up I see!"

Came the voice of his best friend greeting him from behind

Came the voice of his best friend greeting him from behind

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(Andrew 'Andy' Russell, (M/N) best friend. Obviously, because he died in the first Legendary Godzilla movie in canon verse there aren't fanarts of what he would look like if he survived, so I tried finding an image that would somewhat resemble his hair and eye colors.)

"Nice to see you too, Andy." (M/N) greeted.

"Now get off me"

Chuckling, Andrew let go before bumping his fist against (M/N).

"Seems like you had an exciting morning today, eh?" Andrew smirked.

"In more ways than one" (M/N) confirmed.

Though he laughed outside, inside Andy head was 'Man, I'm glad I don't have to deal with that'

When he heard that (M/N) had attracted the attention of the Queen of the Monsters, he was terrified (though to be blunt, he was 12 at the time and had a near death experience with said Kaiju a week before). After all, having a giant monster girl living with you, who also was partially responsible for the destruction of San Francisco, and wanting you for a mate (oh, his parents had a fun time having to explain that to him) was beyond what could be considered normal.

...but then again, normal was starting to get overrated.

His parents had different reactions to this unexpected twist of events. Mark had already begun harboring feelings of resentment to the Kaiju because of his son almost dying. Thankfully though, it was not to the point that he refused to believe that Kaiju were intelligent. So, begrudgingly, he was able to be formal with the Kaiju and learned more about her kinds' culture.

While, Emma was positively excited at the prospect of communicating with a being of legend that Monarch has been actively monitoring and studying. To her, this was the break of lifetime to be able to learn from a Kaiju herself their history.

Of course, not everyone was happy about this agreement. Already there had been talks of what to do with the revelation that there were beings of unfathomable power that existed long before them. Humans hated anything that could threatened their status as Earth dominating species, and the Kaiju existence was a threat to them (seriously, if aliens did exist in our world they would avoid us).

As for Andrew and Madison, once the shock of the Kaiju existence wore off they began to tease (M/N) as the Kaiju magnet. Being able to attract the Queen of the Monsters apparently made him a monster magnet chick.

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