
7.9K 84 35

(M/N) = Male Name

(L/N) = Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

"..." = Speech

'...' = Thoughts

5 years ago

-Location: San Francisco, California-

Poke, poke

Daylight began breaking out over the ruined city of San Francisco. From high in the sky inside news helicopters, the damage could be seen all around the world as the result of the monster fight between beings that would at one time be considered bedtime stories.

Poke, poke

But now, now they were real. Once kept hidden by the organization known as Monarch in an attempt to prevent widespread panic, now they were coming out of woodworks to remind the world of who really is on top of the food chain.

Poke, poke

"(M/N), I really think you should stop before something bad happens."

Came the voice of Andrew Russell, son of Emma and Mark Russell two employees of Monarch, said. Trying to dissuade his best friend from poking the sleeping giant.

Poke, poke

"But it's fun" (M/N) (L/N) said, as the (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyed (S/C) male said as he continues poking the massive beast face with a random stick he found.

Andrew nervously laughed at his friend response. Of course, he would think it was fun, he always was the more daring out of the two of them. Though admittedly, his nervousness stemmed from the fact that he was nearly stepped on by the massive beast in front of them.

So, he had good reason to be afraid for the both of them.

If it wasn't for (M/N), he would not still be alive.


Screams were filling the street as the humanoid monsters continue their rampage. The sound of crashes, buildings falling, and the ground shaking from their fight as Andrew tried to find his family.

"Mom!" "Dad!" "Maddy!"

Andrew shouted, desperately trying to find his family all the while trying to avoid the monster fight happening.

If it was any other type of situation, he would be watching with popcorn along with his best friend.

But sadly, it was not.


Came the sound of a part of a building falling in front of him.


Came the voice of one of the monsters, the spikey one snarling as she got herself out of the building she crashed into. Walking furiously to her enemies, not caring where she was walking.

Andrew stared in fear as the monster was heading in his direction and closed his eyes in fear as he wasn't going be able to make it out in time.



Andrew eyes suddenly snapped open as he was quickly shoved to the ground and barely out of the monster path. Narrowly avoiding being stepped on.

*Pant* *pant*

"Andrew! Are you okay!?" Came the voice of his best friend.

Startled, he turned to see "(M/N)!?"

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