Chapter 7....

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I was screwed. I knew I was the moment a certain blonde stepped into my life. Well more like bulldozed her way into my life.

When Josie told me about her friend I pictured someone similar to her. Soft-spoken, shy. Not the fiery blonde who could crush a man in her high heels without a second glance. Tasha was nothing like Josie and the moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was going to come into my life and completely wreck it.

But I didn't give two shits.

I wasn't even going to lie that I've been with my share of women but none have ever struck my interest as much as Tasha. There was something about her that every time she walked into a room my eyes would seek her out.

She acts like she can't feel what's between us. It was like an electrical current. No matter where she was I could feel her and whenever our eyes met I could almost feel a zing go through my veins. I knew she felt it but was denying it.

I saw the way those blue eyes widened and flashed when I was near. The way her back would straighten when I entered a room. And last night I saw it again when I touched her.

Tasha's been avoiding me the last several months. She made sure we were never in a room alone and if she didn't have to talk to me she wouldn't. It pissed me off beyond belief. I wasn't entirely sure why she was doing it.

I wanted to know what made her react the way she did all those months ago but I wasn't going to push it when she clearly didn't want to talk about it. But every time I tried to tell her that she ignored me or made some stupid excuse to get away from me.

At this point I just wanted anything from her. Even if it was sarcastic remarks or glares. Anything but her ignoring me. I would take an annoyed, pissed off Tasha over nothing. I could have kissed Landon for switching me seats on the plane. When I saw where Tasha was sitting I practically shoved my ticket in Landon's hand and took his. Like I would pass up sitting next to her for a few hours.

Even though I got my ass kicked at playing cards, I was enjoying it. When Josie said Tasha was good at cards I thought she was lying but apparently not. The girl easily beat me with a smile on her face; a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.

What she did for me on the plane was...there really wasn't anything I could say about it. The flight attendant had made me feel uncomfortable with all the touching and flirting but I was use to it. Being who I was came with certain things and that was just one of them. I've gotten use to women blatantly flirting and touching me. But one thing I wasn't use to was someone coming to my rescue.

Tasha didn't even hesitate in calling out the flight attendant and demanding she take her hands off of me. I had been so shell shocked that I just sat there watching, unable to say anything. I knew I should have but I just so surprised and grateful. I hadn't wanted to come off rude to the woman but there is only so much grabbing and squeezing I can take. Tasha just happened to say something first.

And I'll was kinda hot seeing Tasha get so worked up. That should have been the last thing on my mind in that moment but it was all I could think about as Tasha basically told the flight attendant off. In that moment I found myself liking her even more.

All of that just further cemented what I told her last night. I was going to get her to like me by the end of this vacation. Get her to admit she does feel what's between us. Because I already knew I wasn't giving her up. 

Just a little peek into Trevor's head. Don't worry you'll see more of his view coming up!

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