Chapter 23...

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*Warning...severely cute scenes coming up.*


"Look at this one!" The pumpkin in front of us was literally the size of a boulder.

"Maybe we should pick ones that would fit in the car." Trevor suggested. This may or may not be the fifth big pumpkin I've asked for us to get. Each time Trevor said no. Apparently one the size of a car isn't allowed.

The two of us have been walking around the pumpkin patch for a good thirty minutes already. Trevor was tugging a wagon behind him. He already picked his pumpkin like fifteen minutes ago. There were plenty of pumpkins to choose from but I wanted the perfect one.

"How about this one?" Trevor leaned down to pick up a pretty decent sized pumpkin.

"It doesn't have a good stem though." I shook my head. I thought at this point Trevor would be over it and ready to go, but he just smiled and put the pumpkin down.

I weaved in between rows, the grey clouds above us getting darker. I'm glad I decided to wear jeans and a sweater, not the cute dress I first picked out.

When Trevor asked me out on a date I hadn't thought it would be this. I actually wasn't sure what I thought he'd choose but this was absolutely perfect. This was better than I could have imagined.

We were doing things a bit backwards. Sleeping together and then going on a date but I didn't mind. We were doing things our way and loved it.

I looked around for another few minutes before spotting the pumpkin I wanted. It was perfect. Light orange, tall and wide, and a stem that curled at the end. Bending down I grabbed it, turning to Trevor.

"This one." Clearly amused Trevor reached out and took it from me, putting it on the wagon.

"Ready to go?" With rain threatening overhead it was time to go even though I could have stayed here forever. It was beautiful and peaceful.

"Let's go." Placing my hand in his, the two of us made our way back to the front of the farm to pay for our pumpkins.

As we walked hand in hand, a sudden image popped into my head almost making me pause. I can see it. See us a few years from now doing this exact thing every October. Us walking around and laughing, taking pictures on top of giant pumpkins. It was crazy but I could see it. See it so clearly.

Glancing up at Trevor I realized the thought of being with him years from now didn't freak me out. Instead I felt almost giddy with the thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Getting hungry?" Trevor asked as we got back in the car. Pumpkins secured in the backseat.


Because of a certain someone I got up later than usual and didn't have time to grab something to eat before seeing my client this morning. And afterwards I was too busy stressing over what to wear on this date. I hadn't eaten anything since last night.

"I have the perfect place in mind."

As Trevor started driving back in the direction we came in I frowned down at his hand that was resting on the gear shift. With a huff I reached down, grabbing his hand and moving it towards my leg.

Beside me Trevor chuckled squeezing my thigh softly.

"The hand goes here. Always." I patted his hand with mine.

"Noted." He grinned.

Aside from the fact that physical touch was one of my love languages, I just liked having Trevor touch me. He made me feel safe.

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