𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴!? ✺ + ☽

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(Heavily edited) done

Narrator's POV


Narrator's POV

Walking home on a casual Tuesday evening, Naruto heard rapid footsteps behind him. Curious as one other would be, he turned around only to be met with one of his best friends, Sakura. Naruto was confused, she never runs this fast, not even in p.e at school.

Her running stopped abruptly as she finally made it to Naruto, her hands on her knees, breathing frantically. She messed around with her pockets before grabbing her phone.

"Sakura?" Naruto says. He lookes genuinely worried for the older, what had happened to make her look this disheveled?

"Naruto! You won't believe what I saw! Just.. just please don't be mad!" She tells him, taking breaths at every word. Sweat dripped from her forehead and she wiped it with a spare tissue from her pocket.

"What is it? I promise I won't get mad!" With a frown upon his face, Naruto started to get anxious.

Sakura's breathing started to pick up. Naruto took notice of this and as her friend, immediately went to help his friend. "Alright, it's okay sakura, deep breaths."

After the older calmed down, she looked around to see that the place got a little crammed. "Maybe let's go somewhere place quieter, this is too crowded," The pink-haired said, hinting at Naruto's social anxiety.

Naruto nodded before leading Sakura to his house, not so far away. The older lived with his mother and older sister, but they knew not to annoy him when his friends came over, so that wasn't a problem.

They entered the room and the first thing Sakura did was drag Naruto to the bed, getting a 'yelp' in return from the older.

Getting up for the bed, Naruto spoke, "Sakura, this is really worrying, what happened, if it's that bad, I might have to cancel my date with Sasu-"

"Don't speak that name," Sakura slaps a hand on hire best friend's mouth. The blonde haired licked it causing her to quickly extract her hand away and wipe it on her pants with a glare. Naruto ignored the comment the younger made, because it wasn't important at the moment.

"Ew!" Sakura playfully hit Naruto on the shoulder, earning a giggle from the older. "Okay we're getting out of topic here,"

Taking a few deep breaths beforehand, Sakura grabs her phone from her pocket. She fidgets with it for a bit before getting the picture up and handing it to Naruto.

Naruto's emotions changed at the first glance he took of the object. He couldn't believe his eyes, no it can't be true? Sasuke swore on his life, to never cheat on him, but here he was making out with another girl!?

Naruto knew Sasuke had tons of fangirls and fanboys and school, and he never tried anything with them, swearing to Naruto that he was the only one he needed, and of course, Naruto trusted him. How could he be so naive!?

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