𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ☽

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(Heavily edited) ✔️

"Sasuke!" A voice screamed while running to the one mentioned.

"Hey Naru," the boy smiled. A genuine smile. Only for one person.

"How are you?" This cute man, named Naruto, asked his boyfriend who is holding him by his waist.

"I'm great now that your here, how are you, baby?" Sasuke puts his lips to Naruto who gladly kissed back.

"I'm the same! Wanna go out later?" Naruto asks his boyfriend after pulling out of their kiss.

"I'm sorry, Naruto, I promised Sakura I go out with her today," the raven hair looked to the side, a obvious blush forming on his face, that Naruto obviously noticed.

"O-oh..." Naruto sounded sad but not surprised as this is the answer he always gets from him. "O-okay I'm gonna g-go now..." Naruto almost sounded like Hinata with all the stuttering going on.

"Okay, see you later!" Sasuke starts running off.

"Bye..! Love you..." Naruto heard no response back.


These past few days, Sasuke and Sakura have gotten awfully close and Naruto barely spends time with Sasuke anymore. He always is busy with Sakura and everyone thinks they are dating as they are always glued together. They see each other once a day and spend time together once 2 weeks. But that time they have together is always short because Sakura always ruins it.

Not only them not spending time with each other, Sasuke has gone mean to Naruto! He is always ignoring him when he talks, shouts at him when he ruins something and literally pushes him when he hugs him. But today, it got so bad...

Naruto's POV

"SASUUU!" I ran over to my boyfriend. Well... more like Sakura's bf. Welp. I ran over and hugged him tightly, not expecting one back, since that's how it normally goes. I run over to him, he hurts my feelings, goes out with Sakura, me left alone, next day come back, and repeat. That's how it seems to me.

Anyway, expecting it, Sasuke pushed me to the ground. "Get off of me!"

Just because I was feeling like it, I leaked out the billion dollar question with tears threatening to leak my eyes.

"Sasuke... if you fell out of love with me... why are you still with me? Can't you break up with me or something instead of breaking my heart continually..?" I looked down at the ground, kicking a lonely rock.

Sasuke evilly chuckled. "It's more fun that way. And also, did you think I ever loved you?"

I slightly gasped at that, tearing my head from the ground to glare at him. My nails scratched the bottom of my palm as I clutched it tightly and deep nail scares decorated it.

"Hah, no one would ever liked a monster like you,"

And that's when I had it. I ran away like the coward I am, not forgetting to slap Sasuke on the face and still remembering Sakura's scream of anger running through the air.

I ran and ran and ran. Until I managed to find the door of my apartment. I teared the door wide open, slammed it shut and ran onto my bed. All while questioning my existence and wishing I was dead.

Why..? Why does the world have to be so cruel... is this world just a game to us? Will there be a reward for me in the end? Is there a end? Or is it a never ending spiral stair that doesn't have a bottom? Is it a huge room without a door? Is it a box without an escape? Or is it love and a heartache... Or a pain with no happiness...

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