𝑨 𝑽𝒖𝒍𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆

138 4 0

(notes at the end!!)

The day starts off normally. It's their day off, so they all decide to stay at the dorms and just chill together, just like they usually do when they have free days. When Naruto exits his bedroom that morning, he enters the living room to see Kiba and Choji sitting on the couch, switch controllers in hand and a round of Mario Kart displayed on the TV. There's a competitive air around the alpha and beta, so Naruto just side-eyes them as he turns the corner into the kitchen. 

In there is Hinata, hovering over the stove and mumbling frustrated words to herself. She has a spatula in her right hand, her phone in the other as she stares intently at the screen. 

Naruto indulges. 

"What's with that look on your face?"

Hinata turns to look at him, eyebrows furrowed as if she hadn't noticed Naruto enter. "Do you know how to make pancakes?" 

At the question, Naruto's lips part in confusion, and he glances over at Hinata's phone screen. A website is pulled up, instructions on how to make what looks like crêpes on there, though the recipe is written in entirely English. Then, he redirects his attention down to the pan, where a burnt and torn crêpe sits, smoke rising from it in an almost sad and depressed manner. Naruto snorts out a laugh. 

"Those aren't pancakes, they're crêpes," he informs the girl, amusement laced in his voice. 

Hinata blinks at him. "What's the difference?"

"Well, first of all, they're thinner and crispier," Naruto says as he makes his way over to the fridge, pulling it open. After a second, he pulls out an apple. 


"...And what?"

"You said first of all. First of all's are usually followed by second of all's." 

Nudging the fridge closed with his hip, Naruto shrugs. "Why are you trying to make pancakes anyway? You suck at cooking."

At that, Hinata lets out an offended gasp. "You said you liked my cooking!"

"And I do! You're such a skilled chef. You were Gordon Ramsay in your past life." 

"But Gordon Ramsay is still alive?" 

Another shrug. "What's your point?" 

Hinata sighs, looking back down at the still-burning crêpe in the pan. "I wanted to make them for Kiba, but it's well past breakfast now, anyway. I spent the whole morning trying to make this, and now look!" 

Naruto laughs. "Kiba would be happy if you make him hot chocolate, you try too hard." 

Shaking his head, Hinata asks, "Is Sasuke up yet? Maybe he can help me make them. He's a better cook than you, anyways." 

Naruto sighs, making his way back toward the living room as he says under his breath, "Yeah, says you."

"What was that?"


Finally in the living room again, Naruto takes a bite out of his apple. Kiba and Choji are still sitting on the couch, though the controllers are now abandoned on the coffee table, both boys silently playing on their phones. 

As Naruto passes, Choji looks up and asks, "Where's Hinata? She said she wanted to play." 

Naruto shrugs his shoulders lazily as he says, "In the kitchen trying to burn the dorm down." 

Naruto makes his way into the hall, absentmindedly eating his apple as he makes his way toward Sasuke's room. It's the one at the end of the hall, opposite Hinata's and beside Choji and Kiba's. 

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